Frederic Aubriet
Frederic Aubriet
Professeur des Universités en Spectrométrie de Masse, Université de Lorraine
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Sample metallization for performance improvement in desorption/ionization of kilodalton molecules: quantitative evaluation, imaging secondary ion MS, and laser ablation
A Delcorte, J Bour, F Aubriet, JF Muller, P Bertrand
Analytical chemistry 75 (24), 6875-6885, 2003
Controlling the host–guest interaction mode through a redox stimulus
G Szalóki, V Croué, V Carré, F Aubriet, O Alévêque, E Levillain, M Allain, ...
Angewandte Chemie 129 (51), 16490-16494, 2017
A multitechnique characterization of lignin softening and pyrolysis
B Shrestha, Y Le Brech, T Ghislain, S Leclerc, V Carré, F Aubriet, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (8), 6940-6949, 2017
Aromatic chemicals by iron‐catalyzed hydrotreatment of lignin pyrolysis vapor
RN Olcese, G Lardier, M Bettahar, J Ghanbaja, S Fontana, V Carré, ...
ChemSusChem 6 (8), 1490-1499, 2013
Selectivity of bio-oils catalytic hydrotreatment assessed by petroleomic and GC* GC/MS-FID analysis
R Olcese, V Carré, F Aubriet, A Dufour
Energy & Fuels 27 (4), 2135-2145, 2013
Combination of electrospray ionization, atmospheric pressure photoionization and laser desorption ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotronic resonance mass spectrometry for …
J Hertzog, V Carré, Y Le Brech, CL Mackay, A Dufour, O Mašek, F Aubriet
Analytica chimica acta 969, 26-34, 2017
Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass over microporous and hierarchical zeolites: characterization of heavy products
J Hertzog, V Carré, L Jia, CL Mackay, L Pinard, A Dufour, O Masek, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (4), 4717-4728, 2018
Toward controlled ionization conditions for ESI-FT-ICR-MS analysis of bio-oils from lignocellulosic material
J Hertzog, V Carré, Y Le Brech, A Dufour, F Aubriet
Energy & Fuels 30 (7), 5729-5739, 2016
Analysis of mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke particulate matter by laser desorption mass spectrometry
S Schramm, V Carré, JL Scheffler, F Aubriet
Analytical chemistry 83 (1), 133-142, 2011
Cerium oxyhydroxide clusters: formation, structure, and reactivity
F Aubriet, JJ Gaumet, WA De Jong, GS Groenewold, AK Gianotto, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (22), 6239-6252, 2009
About the atypical behavior of CrO3, MoO3, and WO3 during their UV laser ablation/ionization
F Aubriet, JF Muller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106 (25), 6053-6059, 2002
Chemical analysis of a “Miller-type” complex prebiotic broth: Part I: Chemical diversity, oxygen and nitrogen based polymers
E Wollrab, S Scherer, F Aubriet, V Carré, T Carlomagno, L Codutti, A Ott
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 46, 149-169, 2016
Capabilities of static TOF‐SIMS in the differentiation of first‐row transition metal oxides
F Aubriet, C Poleunis, P Bertrand
Journal of Mass spectrometry 36 (6), 641-651, 2001
Metalla‐Assembled Electron‐Rich Tweezers: Redox‐Controlled Guest Release Through Supramolecular Dimerization
S Krykun, M Dekhtiarenko, D Canevet, V Carré, F Aubriet, E Levillain, ...
Angewandte Chemie 132 (2), 726-730, 2020
Laser ablation and secondary ion mass spectrometry of inorganic transition‐metal compounds. Part I: Comparison between static ToF‐SIMS and LA‐FTICRMS
F Aubriet, C Poleunis, JF Muller, P Bertrand
Journal of mass spectrometry 41 (4), 527-542, 2006
Contributions to lignomics: Stochastic generation of oligomeric lignin structures for interpretation of MALDI–FT‐ICR‐MS results
E Terrell, V Carré, A Dufour, F Aubriet, Y Le Brech, M Garcia‐Pérez
ChemSusChem 13 (17), 4428-4445, 2020
Lignin depolymerization: a comparison of methods to analyze monomers and oligomers
E Bartolomei, Y Le Brech, A Dufour, V Carre, F Aubriet, E Terrell, ...
ChemSusChem 13 (17), 4633-4648, 2020
Potential of laser mass spectrometry for the analysis of environmental dust particles—A review
F Aubriet, V Carré
Analytica chimica acta 659 (1-2), 34-54, 2010
Speciation of chromium compounds by laser ablation/ionization mass spectrometry and a study of matrix effects
F Aubriet, B Maunit, JF Muller
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 209 (1), 5-21, 2001
Redox‐Driven Transformation of a Discrete Molecular Cage into an Infinite 3D Coordination Polymer
G Szalóki, S Krykun, V Croué, M Allain, Y Morille, F Aubriet, V Carré, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (44), 11273-11277, 2018
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