Jovica Ninkovic
Jovica Ninkovic
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Astrocytic insulin signaling couples brain glucose uptake with nutrient availability
C García-Cáceres, C Quarta, L Varela, Y Gao, T Gruber, B Legutko, ...
Cell 166 (4), 867-880, 2016
Live imaging of astrocyte responses to acute injury reveals selective juxtavascular proliferation
S Bardehle, M Krüger, F Buggenthin, J Schwausch, J Ninkovic, H Clevers, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (5), 580-586, 2013
Adult generation of glutamatergic olfactory bulb interneurons
MS Brill, J Ninkovic, E Winpenny, RD Hodge, I Ozen, R Yang, A Lepier, ...
Nature neuroscience 12 (12), 1524-1533, 2009
Vasculature guides migrating neuronal precursors in the adult mammalian forebrain via brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling
M Snapyan, M Lemasson, MS Brill, M Blais, M Massouh, J Ninkovic, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (13), 4172-4188, 2009
In vivo fate mapping and expression analysis reveals molecular hallmarks of prospectively isolated adult neural stem cells
R Beckervordersandforth, P Tripathi, J Ninkovic, E Bayam, A Lepier, ...
Cell stem cell 7 (6), 744-758, 2010
Distinct modes of neuron addition in adult mouse neurogenesis
J Ninkovic, T Mori, M Götz
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (40), 10906-10911, 2007
The zebrafish as a model system for assessing the reinforcing properties of drugs of abuse
J Ninkovic, L Bally-Cuif
Methods 39 (3), 262-274, 2006
Amplification of progenitors in the mammalian telencephalon includes a new radial glial cell type
GA Pilz, A Shitamukai, I Reillo, E Pacary, J Schwausch, R Stahl, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-11, 2013
The BAF complex interacts with Pax6 in adult neural progenitors to establish a neurogenic cross-regulatory transcriptional network
J Ninkovic, A Steiner-Mezzadri, M Jawerka, U Akinci, G Masserdotti, ...
Cell stem cell 13 (4), 403-418, 2013
A dlx2-and pax6-dependent transcriptional code for periglomerular neuron specification in the adult olfactory bulb
MS Brill, M Snapyan, H Wohlfrom, J Ninkovic, M Jawerka, GS Mastick, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (25), 6439-6452, 2008
Fast clonal expansion and limited neural stem cell self-renewal in the adult subependymal zone
F Calzolari, J Michel, EV Baumgart, F Theis, M Götz, J Ninkovic
Nature neuroscience 18 (4), 490-492, 2015
Stab wound injury of the zebrafish telencephalon: a model for comparative analysis of reactive gliosis
EV Baumgart, JS Barbosa, L Bally‐cuif, M Götz, J Ninkovic
Glia 60 (3), 343-357, 2012
Live imaging of adult neural stem cell behavior in the intact and injured zebrafish brain
JS Barbosa, R Sanchez-Gonzalez, R Di Giaimo, EV Baumgart, FJ Theis, ...
Science 348 (6236), 789-793, 2015
Signaling in adult neurogenesis: from stem cell niche to neuronal networks
J Ninkovic, M Götz
Current opinion in neurobiology 17 (3), 338-344, 2007
The role of Pax6 in regulating the orientation and mode of cell division of progenitors in the mouse cerebral cortex
M Asami, GA Pilz, J Ninkovic, L Godinho, T Schroeder, WB Huttner, ...
Development 138 (23), 5067-5078, 2011
The transcription factor Pax6 regulates survival of dopaminergic olfactory bulb neurons via crystallin αA
J Ninkovic, L Pinto, S Petricca, A Lepier, J Sun, MA Rieger, T Schroeder, ...
Neuron 68 (4), 682-694, 2010
Defining the adult neural stem cell niche proteome identifies key regulators of adult neurogenesis
J Kjell, J Fischer-Sternjak, AJ Thompson, C Friess, MJ Sticco, F Salinas, ...
Cell stem cell 26 (2), 277-293. e8, 2020
Genetic identification of AChE as a positive modulator of addiction to the psychostimulant D‐amphetamine in zebrafish
J Ninkovic, A Folchert, YV Makhankov, SCF Neuhauss, I Sillaber, ...
Journal of neurobiology 66 (5), 463-475, 2006
AP2γ regulates basal progenitor fate in a region-and layer-specific manner in the developing cortex
L Pinto, D Drechsel, MT Schmid, J Ninkovic, M Irmler, MS Brill, L Restani, ...
Nature neuroscience 12 (10), 1229-1237, 2009
Mcidas and GemC1 are key regulators for the generation of multiciliated ependymal cells in the adult neurogenic niche
C Kyrousi, M Arbi, GA Pilz, DE Pefani, ME Lalioti, J Ninkovic, M Götz, ...
Development 142 (21), 3661-3674, 2015
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