Chhay Leaksmy
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Zitiert von
Municipal solid waste generation in China: influencing factor analysis and multi-model forecasting
L Chhay, MAH Reyad, R Suy, MR Islam, MM Mian
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20, 1761-1770, 2018
Customer satisfaction and service quality in the marketing practice: Study on literature review
S Ok, R Suy, L Chhay, C Choun
Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research 1 (1), 21-27, 2018
Literature review on leadership in healthcare management
R Chatterjee, R Suy, Y Yen, L Chhay
J Soc Sci Stud 5 (1), 38-47, 2018
The financial analysis of apiculture profitability in Bangladesh
MR Islam, L Chhay, MM Mian, A Nasry
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 9 (2), 1-8, 2016
Review of agriculture and rural development to poverty reduction in cambodia: SWOT analysis
R Suy, C Choun, L Chhay
Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research 1 (1), 1-9, 2018
Protection and management policy on angkor wat temple in Cambodia: An overview
R Suy, L Chhay, C Choun
Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research 1 (1), 10-13, 2018
Consumer responses to green marketing in Cambodia
L Chhay, MM Mian, R Suy
Open Journal of Social Sciences 3 (10), 86-94, 2015
Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in the Marketing Practice: Study on Literature Review. Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research, 1 (1), 21–27
S Ok, R Suy, L Chhay, C Choun
Bike-Sharing and Public Acceptance in Bangladesh: An Empirical View of Religiosity as an Obstacle for Women’s Intention toward Bike-Sharing
MAH Reyad, L Chhay, R Suy, A Hammad, MM Uddin, R Paul
Open Journal of Social Sciences 7 (3), 458-477, 2019
Cambodian healthcare policy: Challenge and development
R Suy, Y Yen, R Chatterjee, L Chhay, MM Mian
International Journal of Humanities & Applied Social Sciences 2 (2), 23-32, 2017
Review on social protection for vulnerable group in Cambodia to poverty reduction
R Suy, L Chhay, D Bekbauova, A Islamjanova, I Iddrisu
Journal of Social Science Studies 5 (1), 1-22, 2017
Social protection for older persons: Social pensions in Asia
R Suy, L Chhay, CW Mbugua
Journal of Social Research & Policy 9 (1), 93-94, 2018
Comparison Review on Healthcare System between Cambodia and Kazakhstan
R Suy, L Chhay, A Islamjanova, D Bekbauova, FHA Said
Life 15, 17,625,000, 2015
A comparison of small businesses costs and returns in developing socioeconomic: A study in phnom penh, Cambodia
L Chhay, MM Mian, R Suy
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences 3, 406-10, 2015
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