Paulo Roberto de Aguiar
Paulo Roberto de Aguiar
Professor titular de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
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Analysis of surface integrity for minimum quantity lubricant—MQL in grinding
LR da Silva, EC Bianchi, RY Fusse, RE Catai, TV Franca, PR Aguiar
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 (2), 412-418, 2007
Neural network detection of grinding burn from acoustic emission
Z Wang, P Willett, PR DeAguiar, J Webster
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 41 (2), 283-309, 2001
Study on the behavior of the minimum quantity lubricant-MQL technique under different lubricating and cooling conditions when grinding ABNT 4340 steel
LR Silva, EC Bianchi, RE Catai, RY Fusse, TV França, PR Aguiar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 27 …, 2005
Improving minimum quantity lubrication in CBN grinding using compressed air wheel cleaning
D de Jesus Oliveira, LG Guermandi, EC Bianchi, AE Diniz, PR de Aguiar, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (12), 2559-2568, 2012
Tool condition monitoring of single-point dresser using acoustic emission and neural networks models
CHR Martins, PR Aguiar, A Frech, EC Bianchi
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (3), 667-679, 2013
Evaluation of neural models applied to the estimation of tool wear in the grinding of advanced ceramics
ME Nakai, PR Aguiar, H Guillardi Junior, ...
Expert Systems with Applications, 2015
Tool condition monitoring of aluminum oxide grinding wheel using AE and fuzzy model
FA Alexandre, WN Lopes, FR Lofrano Dotto, FI Ferreira, PR Aguiar, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 67-79, 2018
Evaluation of grinding process using simultaneously MQL technique and cleaning jet on grinding wheel surface
RL Rodriguez, JC Lopes, RA Hildebrandt, RRV Perez, AE Diniz, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 271, 357-367, 2019
Digital signal processing for self-vibration monitoring in grinding: A new approach based on the time-frequency analysis of vibration signals
R Thomazella, WN Lopes, PR Aguiar, FA Alexandre, AA Fiocchi, ...
Measurement 145, 71-83, 2019
Grinding performance of bearing steel using MQL under different dilutions and wheel cleaning for green manufacture
MV Garcia, JC Lopes, AE Diniz, AR Rodrigues, RS Volpato, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 257, 120376, 2020
Plunge cylindrical grinding with the minimum quantity lubrication coolant technique assisted with wheel cleaning system
EC Bianchi, RL Rodriguez, RA Hildebrandt, JC Lopes, HJ de Mello, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 2907-2916, 2018
Minimum quantity of lubrication (MQL) as an eco-friendly alternative to the cutting fluids in advanced ceramics grinding
RL Javaroni, JC Lopes, BK Sato, LEA Sanchez, HJ Mello, PR Aguiar, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103, 2809-2819, 2019
Tool condition monitoring of aluminum oxide grinding wheel in dressing operation using acoustic emission and neural networks
DFG Moia, IH Thomazella, PR Aguiar, EC Bianchi, CHR Martins, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 37 …, 2015
Evaluating the effect of the compressed air wheel cleaning in grinding the AISI 4340 steel with CBN and MQL with water
EC Bianchi, BK Sato, AR Sales, JC Lopes, HJ de Mello, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 2855-2864, 2018
Piezoelectric transducers assessed by the pencil lead break for impedance-based structural health monitoring
VAD de Almeida, FG Baptista, PR de Aguiar
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (2), 693-702, 2014
Analysis of the different forms of application and types of cutting fluid used in plunge cylindrical grinding using conventional and superabrasive CBN grinding wheels
RD Monici, EC Bianchi, RE Catai, PR De Aguiar
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 46 (2), 122-131, 2006
Utilization of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) with water in CBN grinding of steel
RM Belentani, H Funes Júnior, RC Canarim, AE Diniz, A Hassui, ...
Materials Research 17, 88-96, 2014
Application of a wheel cleaning system during grinding of alumina with minimum quantity lubrication
JC Lopes, CEH Ventura, L de M. Fernandes, AB Tavares, LEA Sanchez, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 102, 333-341, 2019
Performance of SAE 52100 steel grinding using MQL technique with pure and diluted oil
DL de Moraes, MV Garcia, JC Lopes, FSF Ribeiro, LE de Angelo Sanchez, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 4211-4223, 2019
Grinding performance using variants of the MQL technique: MQL with cooled air and MQL simultaneous to the wheel cleaning jet
JC Lopes, MV Garcia, M Valentim, RL Javaroni, FSF Ribeiro, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 4429-4442, 2019
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