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Genomewide SNP variation reveals relationships among landraces and modern varieties of rice KL McNally, KL Childs, R Bohnert, RM Davidson, K Zhao, VJ Ulat, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (30), 12273-12278, 2009 | 723 | 2009 |
The 3,000 rice genomes project 3,000 Rice Genomes Project Gigascience 3 (1), 2047-217X-3-7, 2014 | 628* | 2014 |
Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza JC Stein, Y Yu, D Copetti, DJ Zwickl, L Zhang, C Zhang, K Chougule, ... Nature genetics 50 (2), 285-296, 2018 | 514 | 2018 |
Open access resources for genome-wide association mapping in rice SR McCouch, MH Wright, CW Tung, LG Maron, KL McNally, M Fitzgerald, ... Nature communications 7 (1), 10532, 2016 | 510 | 2016 |
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Variation in root system architecture and drought response in rice (Oryza sativa): phenotyping of the OryzaSNP panel in rainfed lowland fields A Henry, VRP Gowda, RO Torres, KL McNally, R Serraj Field Crops Research 120 (2), 205-214, 2011 | 325 | 2011 |
Evaluation of near-isogenic lines of rice introgressed with QTLs for root depth through marker-aided selection L Shen, B Courtois, KL McNally, S Robin, Z Li Theoretical and Applied Genetics 103, 75-83, 2001 | 324 | 2001 |
Rice SNP-seek database update: new SNPs, indels, and queries L Mansueto, RR Fuentes, FN Borja, J Detras, JM Abriol-Santos, ... Nucleic acids research 45 (D1), D1075-D1081, 2017 | 302 | 2017 |
Drought resistance improvement in rice: an integrated genetic and resource management strategy R Serraj, KL McNally, I Slamet-Loedin, A Kohli, SM Haefele, G Atlin, ... Plant Production Science 14 (1), 1-14, 2011 | 300 | 2011 |
Convergent evolution of perenniality in rice and sorghum FY Hu, DY Tao, E Sacks, BY Fu, P Xu, J Li, Y Yang, K McNally, GS Khush, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (7), 4050-4054, 2003 | 252 | 2003 |
Improvement of drought resistance in rice R Serraj, A Kumar, KL McNally, I Slamet-Loedin, R Bruskiewich, ... Advances in agronomy 103, 41-99, 2009 | 247 | 2009 |
The complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Podospora anserina DJ Cummings, KL McNally, JM Domenico, ET Matsuura Current genetics 17, 375-402, 1990 | 244 | 1990 |
Genomics of gene banks: a case study in rice SR McCouch, KL McNally, W Wang, R Sackville Hamilton American journal of botany 99 (2), 407-423, 2012 | 235 | 2012 |
High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping for breeding applications in rice using the BeadXpress platform MJ Thomson, K Zhao, M Wright, KL McNally, J Rey, CW Tung, A Reynolds, ... Molecular Breeding 29, 875-886, 2012 | 212 | 2012 |
New allelic variants found in key rice salt‐tolerance genes: an association study S Negrao, M Cecília Almadanim, IS Pires, IA Abreu, J Maroco, B Courtois, ... Plant biotechnology journal 11 (1), 87-100, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |
Rapid method for detecting SNPs on agarose gels and its application in candidate gene mapping C Raghavan, MEB Naredo, H Wang, G Atienza, B Liu, F Qiu, KL McNally, ... Molecular Breeding 19, 87-101, 2007 | 156 | 2007 |
Sequencing multiple and diverse rice varieties. Connecting whole-genome variation with phenotypes KL McNally, R Bruskiewich, D Mackill, CR Buell, JE Leach, H Leung Plant Physiology 141 (1), 26-31, 2006 | 152 | 2006 |
Structural variants in 3000 rice genomes RR Fuentes, D Chebotarov, J Duitama, S Smith, JF De la Hoz, ... Genome research 29 (5), 870-880, 2019 | 147 | 2019 |
Rice molecular breeding laboratories in the genomics era: current status and future considerations BCY Collard, CM Vera Cruz, KL McNally, PS Virk, DJ Mackill International journal of plant genomics 2008 (1), 524847, 2008 | 147 | 2008 |