Bruno Vila Nova
Bruno Vila Nova
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Controlled excavations in the Romualdo Formation lagerstatte (Araripe basin, Brazil) and pterosaur diversity: Remarks based on new findings
BC Vila Nova, AAF Saraiva, JKR Moreira, JM Sayao
Palaios 26 (3), 173-179, 2011
Redescription of Cearadactylus atrox (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Early Cretaceous Romualdo Formation (Santana Group) of the Araripe Basin, Brazil
BC Vila Nova, JM Sayão, VHML Neumann, AWA Kellner
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34 (1), 126-134, 2014
Evidence for heterochrony in the cranial evolution of fossil crocodyliforms
PL Godoy, GS Ferreira, FC Montefeltro, BC Vila Nova, RJ Butler, ...
Palaeontology 61 (4), 543-558, 2018
Comments on the cervical vertebrae of the Tapejaridae (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) with description of new specimens
BC Vila Nova, JM Sayão, MC Langer, AWA Kellner
Historical Biology 27 (6), 771-781, 2015
On wing disparity and morphological variation of the Santana Group pterosaurs
BCV Nova, JM Sayão
Historical Biology 24 (5), 567-574, 2012
Considerações sobre os padrões de distribuição geográfica dos Pterodactyloidea (Archosauria, Pterosauria)
JM Sayão, B Vila Nova, PS Romano
Paleontologia De Vertebrados: Relaçoes Entre América Do Sul E Á frica., 281-300, 2012
Fósseis do Araripe–Um exemplo de diversidade ao longo do tempo profundo
JM Sayão, BCV Nova, MA França, GR Oliveira, FJ Lima, AAF Saraiva
Sociobiodiversidade na chapada do Araripe 1, 273-289, 2015
Thalassodromeus sebesensis—A new name for an old turtle. Comment on “Thalassodromeus sebesensis, an out of place and out of time Gondwanan tapejarid pterosaur”, Grellet-Tinner …
G Dyke, M Vremir, SL Brusatte, GS Bever, E Buffetaut, S Chapman, ...
Gondwana Research 27 (4), 1680-1682, 2015
A new toothless pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota with comments on the Chaoyangopteridae
X Wang, AWA Kellner, S Jiang, H Chen, FR Costa, X Cheng, X Zhang, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 22642, 2023
Short note on the phylogenetic position of Cearadactylus atrox, and comments regarding its relationships to other pterosaurs
BC Vila Nova, AWA Kellner, JM Sayão
Acta Geoscientica Sinica 31 (sup 1), 73-75, 2010
Thalassodromeus sebesensis-a new name for an old turtle. Comment on “Thalassodromeus sebesensis, an out of place and out of time Gondwanan tapejarid pterosaur”, Grellet-Tinner …
G Dyke, M Vremir, SL Brusatte, GS Bever, E Buffetaut, S Chapman, ...
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