Salamanders of the united States and Canada JW Petranka (No Title), 1998 | 2421 | 1998 |
Predation, competition, and prey communities: a review of field experiments A Sih, P Crowley, M McPeek, J Petranka, K Strohmeier Annual review of ecology and systematics, 269-311, 1985 | 1635 | 1985 |
Antipredator defenses and the persistence of amphibian larvae with fishes LB Kats, JW Petranka, A Sih Ecology 69 (6), 1865-1870, 1988 | 649 | 1988 |
Predator-prey interactions among fish and larval amphibians: use of chemical cues to detect predatory fish JW Petranka, LB Kats, A Sih Animal Behaviour 35 (2), 420-425, 1987 | 475 | 1987 |
Effects of timber harvesting on southern Appalachian salamanders JW Petranka, ME Eldridge, KE Haley Conservation biology 7 (2), 363-370, 1993 | 465 | 1993 |
Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations of southern Appalachian salamanders JW Petranka, MP Brannon, ME Hopey, CK Smith Forest Ecology and Management 67 (1-3), 135-147, 1994 | 227 | 1994 |
The dynamics of prey refuge use: a model and tests with sunfish and salamander larvae A Sih, JW Petranka, LB Kats The American Naturalist 132 (4), 463-483, 1988 | 206 | 1988 |
Effectiveness of removal sampling for determining salamander density and biomass: a case study in an Appalachian streamside community JW Petranka, SS Murray Journal of Herpetology, 36-44, 2001 | 197 | 2001 |
Restriction of wood frogs to fish-free habitats: how important is adult choice? ME Hopey, JW Petranka Copeia 1994 (4), 1023-1025, 1994 | 185 | 1994 |
Identifying the minimal demographic unit for monitoring pond‐breeding amphibians JW Petranka, CK Smith, A Floyd Scott Ecological Applications 14 (4), 1065-1078, 2004 | 178 | 2004 |
Chemicals of Predatory Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) Influence Selection of Oviposition Site by Culex Mosquitoes KA Angelon, JW Petranka Journal of chemical ecology 28, 797-806, 2002 | 167 | 2002 |
Density‐dependent growth and survival of larval Ambystoma: evidence from whole‐pond manipulations JW Petranka Ecology 70 (6), 1752-1767, 1989 | 163 | 1989 |
Long-term persistence of amphibian populations in a restored wetland complex JW Petranka, EM Harp, CT Holbrook, JA Hamel Biological conservation 138 (3-4), 371-380, 2007 | 161 | 2007 |
Pond tadpoles with generalized morphology: is it time to reconsider their functional roles in aquatic communities? JW Petranka, CA Kennedy Oecologia 120, 621-631, 1999 | 157 | 1999 |
Breeding habitat segregation of wood frogs and American toads: the role of interspecific tadpole predation and adult choice JW Petranka, ME Hopey, BT Jennings, SD Baird, SJ Boone Copeia, 691-697, 1994 | 153 | 1994 |
RANAVIRUS IN WOOD FROGS (RANA SYLVATICA): POTENTIAL SOURCES OF TRANSMISSION WITHIN AND BETWEEN PONDS EM Harp, JW Petranka Journal of wildlife diseases 42 (2), 307-318, 2006 | 151 | 2006 |
Hatching of amphibian embryos: the physiological trigger JW Petranka, JJ Just, EC Crawford Science 217 (4556), 257-259, 1982 | 151 | 1982 |
Fish predation: a factor affecting the spatial distribution of a stream-breeding salamander JW Petranka Copeia, 624-628, 1983 | 149 | 1983 |
Evidence of a chemically-mediated avoidance response of ovipositing insects to blue-gills and green frog tadpoles JW Petranka, K Fakhoury Copeia 1991 (1), 234-239, 1991 | 140 | 1991 |
Environmental instability, competition, and density‐dependent growth and survivorship of a stream‐dwelling salamander JW Petranka, A Sih Ecology 67 (3), 729-736, 1986 | 136 | 1986 |