Daina Crafa
Daina Crafa
Clinical Neuropsychology, Vrije University Amsterdam
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What kind of science for psychiatry?
LJ Kirmayer, D Crafa
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 1-12, 2014
Maternal migration and autism risk: Systematic analysis
D Crafa, N Warfa
Special Issue in Transcultural Mental Health: International Review of …, 2015
Autism and anxiety in males with fragile X syndrome: an exploratory analysis of neurobehavioral profiles from a parent survey
VB Talisa, L Boyle, D Crafa, WE Kaufmann
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 164 (5), 1198-1203, 2014
Transfusion of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers in the carboxy state is beneficial during transient focal cerebral ischemia
J Zhang, S Cao, H Kwansa, D Crafa, KK Kibler, RC Koehler
Journal of applied physiology 113 (11), 1709-1717, 2012
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
CWMFC Tierney, W., Hardy III, J., Ebersole, C. R., Viganola, D., Clemente, E ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2021
Traces of culture: the feedback loop between brain, behavior, and disorder
D Crafa, SK Nagel
Transcultural Psychiatry, 2020
Multisensory teamwork: using a tactile or an auditory display to exchange gaze information improves performance in joint visual search
B Wahn, J Schwandt, M Krüger, D Crafa, V Nunnendorf, P König
Ergonomics 59 (6), 781-795, 2016
Attenuation of neonatal ischemic brain damage using a 20‐HETE synthesis inhibitor
ZJ Yang, EL Carter, KK Kibler, H Kwansa, D Crafa, LJ Martin, RJ Roman, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 121 (1), 168-179, 2012
Culture and mental health in Nepal: an interdisciplinary scoping review
LE Chase, RP Sapkota, D Crafa, LJ Kirmayer
Global Mental Health 5, e36, 2018
Accounting for heterogeneity: The culture-brain-behavior interaction model
D Crafa, SK Nagel
International Cultural Neuroscience Consortium, 2013
Reactions to receiving a gift—Maternal scaffolding and cultural learning in Berlin and Delhi
J Kärtner, D Crafa, N Chaudhary, H Keller
Child development 87 (3), 712-722, 2016
Social values and determinants of cultural fit in Quebec: the roles of ancestry, linguistic group, and mental health status
D Crafa, JQ Liu, MB Brodeur
Frontiers in psychology 10, 287, 2019
Heightened responses of the parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices during contextualized recognition of congruent objects
D Crafa, C Hawco, MB Brodeur
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 11, 232, 2017
The adaptive self: Culture and social flexibility in feedback networks
D Crafa, S Nagel
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, e5, 2019
Migration and Autism Diagnosis
D Crafa
Autism: Paradigms and Clinical Application, 2017
Development of self-regulation during early childhood across cultures: A systems perspective
D Crafa
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition …, 2015
Neural correlates of social cognition
D Crafa
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition …, 2015
Group differences in mental health: A role for culture in neuropsychiatry
D Crafa, SK Nagel
WCPRR, 144-150, 2014
The impressionable social self of schizophrenia: neural correlates of self-other confusion after social interaction
D Crafa, CM Stoddart, C Makowski, M Lepage, MB Brodeur
Unpublished data. Preprint at https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/5v2nk, 2020
Social interaction alters self-identity: an adapted paradigm for measuring horizontal learning
D Crafa, J Schiff, MB Brodeur
J. Pers. Soc. Psychol, 2018
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