Subhojit Ghosh
Subhojit Ghosh
Professor, NIT Raipur
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PsLSNet: Automated psoriasis skin lesion segmentation using modified U-Net-based fully convolutional network
M Dash, ND Londhe, S Ghosh, A Semwal, RS Sonawane
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 52, 226-237, 2019
Real time implementation of fractional order PID controllers for a magnetic levitation plant
SK Swain, D Sain, SK Mishra, S Ghosh
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 78, 141-156, 2017
Protection scheme for power transmission lines based on SVM and ANN considering the presence of non‐linear loads
E Koley, SK Shukla, S Ghosh, DK Mohanta
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (9), 2333-2341, 2017
An improved fault detection classification and location scheme based on wavelet transform and artificial neural network for six phase transmission line using single end data only
E Koley, K Verma, S Ghosh
SpringerPlus 4, 1-22, 2015
Low cost microcontroller based fault detector, classifier, zone identifier and locator for transmission lines using wavelet transform and artificial neural network: A hardware …
E Koley, R Kumar, S Ghosh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 81, 346-360, 2016
Review and analysis of evolutionary optimization-based techniques for FIR filter design
AK Dwivedi, S Ghosh, ND Londhe
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 37, 4409-4430, 2018
Spatio-temporal information based protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid under solar irradiance intermittency using deep convolutional neural network
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh, DK Mohanta, RC Bansal
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 116, 105576, 2020
Reliable protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid using an ensemble classifier approach with real‐time validation
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 12 (2), 200-208, 2018
Charge-discharge energy efficiency analysis of ultracapacitor with fractional-order dynamics using hybrid optimization and its experimental validation
MR Kumar, S Ghosh, S Das
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 78, 274-280, 2017
Low power FIR filter design using modified multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm
AK Dwivedi, S Ghosh, ND Londhe
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 55, 58-69, 2016
DC offset estimation‐based fault detection in transmission line during power swing using ensemble of decision tree
SK Shukla, E Koley, S Ghosh
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 13 (2), 212-222, 2019
Microgrid protection under wind speed intermittency using extreme learning machine
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh
Computers & Electrical Engineering 72, 369-382, 2018
Fractional order modeling and two loop control of PEM fuel cell for voltage regulation considering both source and load perturbations
PT Bankupalli, S Ghosh, L Kumar, S Samanta
International journal of hydrogen energy 43 (12), 6294-6309, 2018
Microgrid protection under weather uncertainty using joint probabilistic modeling of solar irradiance and wind speed
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh
Computers & Electrical Engineering 86, 106684, 2020
Frequency dependent piecewise fractional-order modelling of ultracapacitors using hybrid optimization and fuzzy clustering
MR Kumar, S Ghosh, S Das
Journal of Power Sources 335, 98-104, 2016
Binary DE-based channel selection and weighted ensemble of SVM classification for novel brain–computer interface using Devanagari script-based P300 speller paradigm
RK Chaurasiya, ND Londhe, S Ghosh
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 32 (11), 861-877, 2016
Enhancing the reliability of protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid by discriminating between array faults and symmetrical line faults using sparse auto encoder
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (2), 308-317, 2019
Detection and classification of faults on six phase transmission line using ANN
E Koley, A Jain, AS Thoke, A Jain, S Ghosh
2011 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology …, 2011
Measurement of the Cross Sections of Ξ0c and Ξ+ c Baryons and of the Branching-Fraction Ratio BR (Ξ0c→ Ξ− e+ νe)/BR (Ξ0c→ Ξ− π+) in pp Collisions at√ s= 13 TeV
ALICE collaboration
research information system https://converis. jyu. fi/converis/portal/detail …, 2021
Enhancing resilience of PV-fed microgrid by improved relaying and differentiating between inverter faults and distribution line faults
M Manohar, E Koley, S Ghosh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 108, 271-279, 2019
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