Davy William Hidalgo Chávez
Davy William Hidalgo Chávez
Sonstige NamenHidalgo-Chávez Davy William, Chávez Hidalgo Davy William, Hidalgo Davy William Chavéz
Universidade Federal Jural do Rio de Janeiro
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Microencapsulation by spray drying of a lycopene-rich tomato concentrate: Characterization and stability
ALR Souza, DW Hidalgo-Chávez, SM Pontes, FS Gomes, LMC Cabral, ...
Lwt 91, 286-292, 2018
Structure and functional properties of cellulose acetate films incorporated with glycerol
SM Gonçalves, DC Dos Santos, JFG Motta, RR Dos Santos, DWH Chávez, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 209, 190-197, 2019
Combination of enzyme-assisted extraction and high hydrostatic pressure for phenolic compounds recovery from grape pomace
ASC Teles, DWH Chávez, MAZ Coelho, A Rosenthal, LMF Gottschalk, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 288, 110128, 2021
Use of grape pomace for the production of hydrolytic enzymes by solid-state fermentation and recovery of its bioactive compounds
ASC Teles, DWH Chávez, RA Oliveira, EPS Bon, SC Terzi, EF Souza, ...
Food Research International 120, 441-448, 2019
Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of Yam (Dioscorea bulbífera) Starch: Effect on Morphology and Functional Properties
CO Bernardo, JLR Ascheri, DWH Chávez, CWP Carvalho
Starch‐Stärke 70 (5-6), 1700185, 2018
Sorghum and roasted coffee blends as a novel extruded product: Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity
DWH Chávez, JLR Ascheri, CWP Carvalho, RLO Godoy, S Pacheco
Journal of Functional Foods 29, 93-103, 2017
Effects of whey protein concentrate, feed moisture and temperature on the physicochemical characteristics of a rice-based extruded flour
C da Silva Teba, EMM da Silva, DWH Chávez, CWP de Carvalho, ...
Food Chemistry 228, 287-296, 2017
Functional and antimicrobial properties of cellulose acetate films incorporated with sweet fennel essential oil and plasticizers
SM Gonçalves, JFG Motta, R Ribeiro-Santos, DWH Chávez, NR de Melo
Current Research in Food Science 3, 1-8, 2020
Impact of air frying on cholesterol and fatty acids oxidation in sardines: Protective effects of aromatic herbs
FS Ferreira, GR Sampaio, LM Keller, ACHF Sawaya, DWH Chávez, ...
Journal of Food Science 82 (12), 2823-2831, 2017
Effect of temperature on the degradation of bioactive compounds of Pinot Noir grape pomace during drying
ASC Teles, DWH Chávez, FS Gomes, LMC Cabral, RV Tonon
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology 21, 2017
Physicochemical properties and carotenoid content of extruded and non-extruded corn and peach palm (Bactris gasipaes, Kunth)
GJ Basto, CWP Carvalho, AG Soares, HTGB Costa, DWH Chávez, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 69, 312-318, 2016
Effect of water temperature and pH on the concentration and time of ozone saturation
MC Galdeano, AE Wilhelm, IB Goulart, RV Tonon, O Freitas-Silva, ...
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology 21, e2017156, 2018
Extruded whole grain flours and sprout millet as functional ingredients for gluten-free bread
R Comettant-Rabanal, CWP Carvalho, JLR Ascheri, DWH Chávez, ...
LWT 150, 112042, 2021
Growth Parameters and Survivability of Saccharomyces boulardii for Probiotic Alcoholic Beverages Development
BP De Paula, DWH Chávez, WJF Lemos Junior, AF Guerra, MFD Corrêa, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 2092, 2019
Sorghum, an alternative cereal for gluten-free product.
DW Hidalgo Chávez, JLR ASCHERI, A Martins, CWP de CARVALHO, ...
Bioactive compounds of parsley (Petroselinum crispum), chives (Allium schoenoprasum L) and their mixture (Brazilian cheiro-verde) as promising antioxidant and anti-cholesterol …
FS Ferreira, VS de Oliveira, DWH Chávez, DS Chaves, CJ Riger, ...
Food Research International 151, 110864, 2022
The use of lemon juice and its role on polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol oxides formation in thermally prepared sardines
IOAM de Carvalho, VS de Oliveira, DWH Chávez, OD Gamallo, RN Castro, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 104, 104087, 2021
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.): A source of bioactive compounds as a domestic strategy to minimize cholesterol oxidation during the thermal preparation of omelets
VS de Oliveira, DWH Chávez, PRF Paiva, OD Gamallo, RN Castro, ...
Food research international 156, 111199, 2022
Effect of aroeira (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi) fruit against polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol thermo-oxidation in model systems containing sardine oil …
VS de Oliveira, DWH Cháves, OD Gamallo, ACHF Sawaya, GR Sampaio, ...
Food Research International 132, 109091, 2020
Impact of extruded sorghum genotypes on the rehydration and sensory properties of soluble beverages and the Brazilian consumers’ perception of sorghum and cereal beverage using …
CO Bernardo, JLR Ascheri, CWP Carvalho, DWH Chávez, IBA Martins, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 89, 102793, 2019
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