Sarah Gerson
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The emergence of intention attribution in infancy
AL Woodward, JA Sommerville, S Gerson, AME Henderson, J Buresh
Psychology of learning and motivation 51, 187-222, 2009
Learning from their own actions: The unique effect of producing actions on infants' action understanding
SA Gerson, AL Woodward
Child development 85 (1), 264-277, 2014
Mirroring and the development of action understanding
AL Woodward, SA Gerson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Short-term motor training, but not observational training, alters neurocognitive mechanisms of action processing in infancy
SA Gerson, H Bekkering, S Hunnius
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (6), 1207-1214, 2015
A claw is like my hand: Comparison supports goal analysis in infants
SA Gerson, AL Woodward
Cognition 122 (2), 181-192, 2012
The infant motor system predicts actions based on visual statistical learning
CD Monroy, M Meyer, L Schröer, SA Gerson, S Hunnius
NeuroImage 185, 947-954, 2019
The joint role of trained, untrained, and observed actions at the origins of goal recognition
SA Gerson, AL Woodward
Infant Behavior and Development 37 (1), 94-104, 2014
Exploring the benefits of doll play through neuroscience
S Hashmi, RE Vanderwert, HA Price, SA Gerson
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 560176, 2020
Toddlers’ action prediction: Statistical learning of continuous action sequences
CD Monroy, SA Gerson, S Hunnius
Journal of experimental child psychology 157, 14-28, 2017
Building intentional action knowledge with one’s hands
S Gerson, AL Woodward
Neoconstructivism: The new science of cognitive development, 295-313, 2010
Hypervigilance to rejecting stimuli in rejection sensitive individuals: Behavioral and neurocognitive evidence
KB Ehrlich, SA Gerson, RE Vanderwert, EN Cannon, NA Fox
Personality and Individual Differences 85, 7-12, 2015
Sensitivity to structure in action sequences: An infant event-related potential study
CD Monroy, SA Gerson, E Domínguez-Martínez, K Kaduk, S Hunnius, ...
Neuropsychologia 126, 92-101, 2019
Drivers of social cognitive development in human and non-human primate infants
SA Gerson, EA Simpson, A Paukner
Social Cognition, 116-146, 2016
Active drumming experience increases infants’ sensitivity to audiovisual synchrony during observed drumming actions
SA Gerson, A Schiavio, R Timmers, S Hunnius
PLoS One 10 (6), e0130960, 2015
Infants’ motor proficiency and statistical learning for actions
C Monroy, S Gerson, S Hunnius
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2174, 2017
Coding in the cot? Factors influencing 0–17s’ experiences with technology and coding in the United Kingdom
SA Gerson, RD Morey, JE van Schaik
Computers & Education 178, 104400, 2022
The goal trumps the means: Highlighting goals is more beneficial than highlighting means in means‐end training
SA Gerson, AL Woodward
Infancy 18 (2), 289-302, 2013
The birth of social intelligence
AME Henderson, S Gerson, AL Woodward
Zero to three 28 (5), 13, 2008
Statistical learning in social action contexts
C Monroy, M Meyer, S Gerson, S Hunnius
PloS one 12 (5), e0177261, 2017
Unravelling the contributions of motor experience and conceptual knowledge in action perception: A training study
SA Gerson, M Meyer, S Hunnius, H Bekkering
Scientific reports 7 (1), 46761, 2017
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