Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Jeffrey L. BeckWeitere Informationen
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Is ungulate migration culturally transmitted? Evidence of social learning from translocated animals
JAM BR Jesmer, JR Goheen, EO Aikens, JL Beck, AB Courtemanch, ...
Science 361, 1023-1025, 2018
Mandate: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US Department of Agriculture
Drivers of site fidelity in ungulates
TA Morrison, JA Merkle, JGC Hopcraft, EO Aikens, JL Beck, RB Boone, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90, 955-966, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture, European Commission
Where to forage when afraid: Does perceived risk impair use of the foodscape?
SPH Dwinnell, H Sawyer, JE Randall, JL Beck, JS Forbey, GL Fralick, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (7), e01972, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection, Survival, and Wind Energy Infrastructure
CW LeBeau, GD Johnson, MJ Holloran, JL Beck, RM Nielson, ...
Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (4), 690-711, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross‐taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis
S Esmaeili, BR Jesmer, SE Albeke, EO Aikens, KA Schoenecker, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (10), 2178-2191, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, Fonds zur …
Spatial ecology observations from feral horses equipped with global positioning system transmitters
JD Hennig, JL Beck, JD Scasta
Human–Wildlife Interactions 12 (1), 75-84, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Threshold responses of grassland and sagebrush birds to patterns of disturbance created by an ecosystem engineer
CJ Duchardt, DJ Augustine, JL Beck
Landscape Ecology 34, 895-909, 2019
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Greater Sage-Grouse Male Lek Counts Relative to a Wind Energy Development
CW LeBeau, JL Beck, GD Johnson, RM Nielson, MJ Holloran, KG Gerow, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 41 (1), 17-26, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Temporal overlap among feral horses, cattle, and native ungulates at water sources
JD Hennig, JL Beck, CJ Gray, JD Scasta
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (6), 1084-1090, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Variation in sage-grouse habitat quality metrics across a gradient of feral horse use
JD Hennig, JL Beck, CJ Duchardt, JD Scasta
Journal of Arid Environments 192, 104550, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Mountain Plover habitat selection and nest survival in relation to weather variability and spatial attributes of black-tailed prairie dog disturbance
CJ Duchardt, JL Beck, DJ Augustine
The Condor 122 (1), duz059, 2020
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Greater Sage‐Grouse Habitat Function Relative to 230‐kV Transmission Lines
CW LeBeau, KT Smith, JL Beck, ME Kauffman, GD Johnson
Journal of Wildlife Management, 2019
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Disease and weather induce rapid shifts in a rangeland ecosystem mediated by a keystone species (Cynomys ludovicianus)
CJ Duchardt, DJ Augustine, LM Porensky, JL Beck, JD Hennig, ...
Ecological Applications, e2712, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Effects of mowing and tebuthiuron on the nutritional quality of Wyoming big sagebrush
KT Smith, JS Forbey, JL Beck
Rangeland Ecology & Management 71 (4), 417-423, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Influence of environmental change, harvest exposure, and human disturbance on population trends of greater sage-grouse
JB Dinkins, KJ Lawson, JL Beck
Plos one 16 (9), e0257198, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Fire-driven landscape heterogeneity shapes habitat selection of bighorn sheep
VM Donovan, SPH Dwinnell, JL Beck, CP Roberts, JG Clapp, GS Hiatt, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (3), 757-771, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
A crossroads in the rearview mirror: the state of United States feral equid management in 2023
JD Hennig, CJ Duchardt, S Esmaeili, SD Fuhlendorf, JL Beck, ...
BioScience 73 (6), 404-407, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Habitat selection and space use overlap between feral horses, pronghorn, and greater sage‐grouse in cold arid steppe
JD Hennig, JD Scasta, AC Pratt, CP Wanner, JL Beck
The Journal of Wildlife Management 87 (1), e22329, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Movement dynamics and energy expenditure of yearling steers under contrasting grazing management in shortgrass steppe
TR Jorns, JD Derner, DJ Augustine, DD Briske, LM Porensky, JD Scasta, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 85, 38-47, 2022
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Assessing bias and robustness of social network metrics using GPS based radio-telemetry data
P Kaur, S Ciuti, F Ossi, F Cagnacci, N Morellet, A Loison, K Atmeh, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.03. 30.534779, 2023
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
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