Dr. Georgios A. Drosopoulos
Dr. Georgios A. Drosopoulos
Discipline of Civil Engineering, International Hellenic University, Serres, Greece
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Limit analysis of a single span masonry bridge with unilateral frictional contact interfaces
GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, CV Massalas
Engineering Structures 28 (13), 1864-1873, 2006
Modelling and strength evaluation of masonry bridges using terrestrial photogrammetry and finite elements
ME Stavroulaki, B Riveiro, GA Drosopoulos, M Solla, P Koutsianitis, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 101, 136-148, 2016
FRP reinforcement of stone arch bridges: Unilateral contact models and limit analysis
GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, CV Massalas
Composites Part B: Engineering 38 (2), 144-151, 2007
Design and verification of auxetic microstructures using topology optimization and homogenization
NT Kaminakis, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 1289-1306, 2015
Conventional and star-shaped auxetic materials for the creation of band gaps
PI Koutsianitis, GK Tairidis, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Archive of Applied Mechanics 89 (12), 2545-2562, 2019
Two non-linear finite element models developed for the assessment of failure of masonry arches
M Betti, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 336 (1-2), 42-53, 2008
Influence of the geometry and the abutments movement on the collapse of stone arch bridges
GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, CV Massalas
Construction and Building Materials 22 (3), 200-210, 2008
Optimization and analysis of frequencies of multi-scale graphene/fibre reinforced nanocomposite laminates with non-uniform distributions of reinforcements
Y Jeawon, GA Drosopoulos, G Foutsitzi, GE Stavroulakis, S Adali
Engineering Structures 228, 111525, 2021
Inverse analysis of masonry arch bridges for damaged condition investigation: Application on Kakodiki bridge
B Conde, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, B Riveiro, ME Stavroulaki
Engineering Structures 127, 388-401, 2016
A multi-scale computational method including contact for the analysis of damage in composite materials
GA Drosopoulos, P Wriggers, GE Stavroulakis
Computational materials science 95, 522-535, 2014
Thermal–stress analysis of a three-dimensional end-plate steel joint
A Kalogeropoulos, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Construction and Building Materials 29, 619-626, 2012
Structural investigation of Mnajdra megalithic monument in Malta
SM Motsa, GA Drosopoulos, ME Stavroulaki, E Maravelakis, RP Borg, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage 41, 96-105, 2020
3 D Finite element analysis of end- plate steel joints
GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, KM Abdalla
Steel & Composite Structures 12 (2), 93-115, 2012
Buckling of non-uniformly distributed graphene and fibre reinforced multiscale angle-ply laminates
IS Radebe, GA Drosopoulos, S Adali
Meccanica 54 (14), 2263-2279, 2019
Failure behavior of a top and seat angle bolted steel connection with double web angles
KM Abdalla, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (7), 04014172, 2015
Data-driven Computational Homogenization Using Neural Networks: FE2-NN Application on Damaged Masonry
GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 14 (1), 1-19, 2020
Structural investigation of masonry arch bridges using various nonlinear finite-element models
S Tapkın, E Tercan, SM Motsa, G Drosopoulos, M Stavroulaki, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 27 (7), 04022053, 2022
Investigation of the structural behaviour of a masonry castle by considering the actual damage
ME Stavroulaki, GA Drosopoulos, E Tavlopoulou, N Skoutelis, ...
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 3 (1), 1-33, 2018
On the collapse analysis of single span masonry/stone arch bridges with fill interaction
M Betti, GA Drosopoulos, GE Stavroulakis, PB Lourenço, DB Oliveira, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on arch bridges ARCH 7, 617-24, 2007
Multi-objective optimization for maximum fundamental frequency and minimum cost of hybrid graphene/fibre-reinforced nanocomposite laminates
GA Drosopoulos, C Gogos, G Foutsitzi
Structures 54, 1593-1607, 2023
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