Muataz Shakir Khayoon
Muataz Shakir Khayoon
School of chemical engineering, Engineering campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
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Recent scenario and technologies to utilize non-edible oils for biodiesel production
AE Atabani, IA Badruddin, A Badarudin, MS Khayoon, S Triwahyono
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 37, 840-851, 2014
Acetylation of glycerol to biofuel additives over sulfated activated carbon catalyst
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Bioresource technology 102 (19), 9229-9235, 2011
Intensification of biodiesel production via ultrasonic-assisted process: A critical review on fundamentals and recent development
AS Badday, AZ Abdullah, KT Lee, MS Khayoon
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (7), 4574-4587, 2012
Solventless acetalization of glycerol with acetone to fuel oxygenates over Ni–Zr supported on mesoporous activated carbon catalyst
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Applied Catalysis A: General 464, 191-199, 2013
Improved production of fuel oxygenates via glycerol acetylation with acetic acid
MS Khayoon, S Triwahyono, BH Hameed, AA Jalil
Chemical Engineering Journal 243, 473-484, 2014
Mg1+ xCa1− xO2 as reusable and efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of glycerol carbonate via the transesterification of glycerol with dimethyl carbonate
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Applied Catalysis A: General 466, 272-281, 2013
Synthesis of oxygenated fuel additives via the solventless etherification of glycerol
M Ayoub, MS Khayoon, AZ Abdullah
Bioresource Technology 112, 308-312, 2012
Synthesis of hybrid SBA-15 functionalized with molybdophosphoric acid as efficient catalyst for glycerol esterification to fuel additives
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Applied Catalysis A: General 433, 152-161, 2012
Utilization of crude karanj (Pongamia pinnata) oil as a potential feedstock for the synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters
MS Khayoon, MA Olutoye, BH Hameed
Bioresource Technology 111, 175-179, 2012
Transesterification of croton megalocarpus oil to biodiesel over WO3 supported on silica mesoporous-macroparticles catalyst
MAA Aziz, K Puad, S Triwahyono, AA Jalil, MS Khayoon, AE Atabani, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 316, 882-892, 2017
Single-step esterification of crude karanj (Pongamia pinnata) oil to fatty acid methyl esters over mesostructured SBA-16 supported 12-molybdophosphoric acid catalyst
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Fuel processing technology 114, 12-20, 2013
Selective acetalization of glycerol with acetone over nickel nanoparticles supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes
MS Khayoon, A Abbas, BH Hameed, S Triwahyono, AA Jalil, AT Harris, ...
Catalysis letters 144, 1009-1015, 2014
Yttrium-grafted mesostructured SBA-3 catalyst for the transesterification of glycerol with methyl acetate to synthesize fuel oxygenates
MS Khayoon, BH Hameed
Applied Catalysis A: general 460, 61-69, 2013
Synthesis of oxygenated fuel additives via the solventless etherification of glycerol.
MA Muhammad Ayoub, MS Khayoon, AZA Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah
OOC17G Heterogeneous Catalyst Screening for Biodiesel Production from Moringa Oill
NB Talib, S Triwahyono, AA Jalil, K Puad, M Syakir, AEA Khayoon
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