Paulo Nunes
Paulo Nunes
Associate Professor, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
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HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction
C Conti, LD Soares, P Nunes
Signal Processing: Image Communication 42, 59-78, 2016
Immersive 3D holoscopic video system
A Aggoun, E Tsekleves, MR Swash, D Zarpalas, A Dimou, P Daras, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 20 (1), 28-37, 2012
Light field HEVC-based image coding using locally linear embedding and self-similarity compensated prediction
R Monteiro, L Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, N Rodrigues, S Faria, C Pagliari, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-4, 2016
HEVC-based light field image coding with bi-predicted self-similarity compensation
C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-4, 2016
Dense light field coding: A survey
C Conti, LD Soares, P Nunes
IEEE access 8, 49244-49284, 2020
Image segmentation towards new image representation methods
D Cortez, P Nunes, MM de Sequeira, F Pereira
Signal processing: Image communication 6 (6), 485-498, 1995
New HEVC prediction modes for 3D holoscopic video coding
C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares
2012 19th IEEE International conference on image processing, 1325-1328, 2012
Locally linear embedding-based prediction for 3D holoscopic image coding using HEVC
LFR Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares, NMM Rodrigues, CL Pagliari, ...
2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 11-15, 2014
Light field image coding using high-order intrablock prediction
RJS Monteiro, PJL Nunes, NMM Rodrigues, SMM Faria
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (7), 1120-1131, 2017
A contour-based approach to binary shape coding using a multiple grid chain code
P Nunes, F Marqués, F Pereira, A Gasull
Signal Processing: Image Communication 15 (7-8), 585-599, 2000
Inter-layer prediction scheme for scalable 3-D holoscopic video coding
C Conti, P Nunes
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (8), 819-822, 2013
Multi-grid chain coding of binary shapes
P Nunes, F Pereira, F Marqués
Proceedings of international conference on image processing 3, 114-117, 1997
Spatial prediction based on self-similarity compensation for 3D holoscopic image and video coding
C Conti, J Lino, P Nunes, LD Soares, PL Correia
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 961-964, 2011
Evaluating MPEG-4 video decoding complexity for an alternative video complexity verifier model
J Valentim, P Nunes, F Pereira
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 12 (11), 1034 …, 2002
Light field coding with field-of-view scalability and exemplar-based interlayer prediction
C Conti, LD Soares, P Nunes
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (11), 2905-2920, 2018
Light field image coding with jointly estimated self-similarity bi-prediction
C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares
Signal Processing: Image Communication 60, 144-159, 2018
Light-field video coding using geometry-based disparity compensation
C Conti, PT Kovács, T Balogh, P Nunes, LD Soares
2014 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of …, 2014
3D holoscopic video coding using MVC
J Dick, H Almeida, LD Soares, P Nunes
2011 IEEE EUROCON-International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 1-4, 2011
Error resilient macroblock rate control for H. 264/AVC video coding
P Nunes, LD Soares, F Pereira
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2132-2135, 2008
Automatic and adaptive network-aware macroblock intra refresh for error-resilient H. 264/AVC video coding
P Nunes, LD Soares, F Pereira
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3073-3076, 2009
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