Fabio Vale Scarpare
Fabio Vale Scarpare
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Sugarcane straw availability, quality, recovery and energy use: a literature review
MRLV Leal, MV Galdos, FV Scarpare, JEA Seabra, A Walter, COF Oliveira
Biomass and Bioenergy 53, 11-19, 2013
Brazilian sugarcane ethanol: developments so far and challenges for the future
A Walter, MV Galdos, FV Scarpare, MRL Verde Leal, JE Abel Seabra, ...
Advances in Bioenergy: The Sustainability Challenge, 373-394, 2016
Sugarcane water footprint under different management practices in Brazil: Tietê/Jacaré watershed assessment
FV Scarpare, TAD Hernandes, ST Ruiz-Corrêa, OT Kolln, ...
Journal of cleaner production 112, 4576-4584, 2016
Tillage effects on soil physical condition and root growth associated with sugarcane water availability
FV Scarpare, QJ van Lier, L de Camargo, RCM Pires, ST Ruiz-Correa, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 187, 110-118, 2019
Technical and economic assessment of trash recovery in the sugarcane bioenergy production system
TF Cardoso, O Cavalett, MF Chagas, ER Morais, JLN Carvalho, ...
Scientia Agricola 70, 353-360, 2013
Sugarcane land use and water resources assessment in the expansion area in Brazil
FV Scarpare, TAD Hernandes, ST Ruiz-Corrêa, MCA Picoli, BR Scanlon, ...
Journal of cleaner production 133, 1318-1327, 2016
Pedotransfer functions to estimate water retention parameters of soils in northeastern Brazil
AHC Barros, QJ Lier, AHN Maia, FV Scarpare
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 37, 379-391, 2013
Straw removal effects on soil water dynamics, soil temperature, and sugarcane yield in south-central Brazil
ST Ruiz Corrêa, LC Barbosa, LMS Menandro, FV Scarpare, K Reichardt, ...
Bioenergy Research 12 (4), 749-763, 2019
Biofuel-water-land nexus in the last agricultural frontier region of the Brazilian Cerrado
RG Rodriguez, BR Scanlon, CW King, FV Scarpare, AC Xavier, FF Pruski
Applied Energy 231, 1330-1345, 2018
Sugarcane straw removal effects on soil water storage and drainage in southeastern Brazil
MR Gmach, FV Scarpare, MR Cherubin, IP Lisboa, AKB dos Santos, ...
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74 (5), 466-476, 2019
Growing degree-days for the ‘Niagara Rosada’grapevine pruned in different seasons
FV Scarpare, JA Scarpare Filho, A Rodrigues, K Reichardt, LR Angelocci
International journal of biometeorology 56, 823-830, 2012
Aplicações e limitações da modelagem em agricultura: revisão
STR Corrêa, R Lorençoni, D Dourado Neto, FV Scarpare, R Vivian, ...
Revista de Agricultura 86 (1), 1-13, 2011
Assessment of the recent land use change dynamics related to sugarcane expansion and the associated effects on water resources availability
TAD Hernandes, FV Scarpare, JEA Seabra
Journal of Cleaner Production 197, 1328-1341, 2018
Simulação do crescimento da cana-de-açúcar pelo modelo agrohidrológico SWAP/WOFOST
FV Scarpare
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz …, 2011
Initial development and yield in sugarcane from different propagules1
J Baracat, FV Scarpare, RB Araújo, JA Scarpare-Filho
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical 47 (03), 273-278, 2017
Fisiologia de mudas de morangueiro produzidas em sistema convencional e em vasos suspensos
MF Verdial, J Tessarioli Neto, K Minami, JA Scarpare Filho, ...
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 31, 524-531, 2009
Intensidade de poda verde em pessegueiro para controle da ferrugem Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel e Litvinov
A Rodrigues, JA Scarpare Filho, JPC Araújo, EA Girardi, FV Scarpare
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 30, 634-638, 2008
Sugarcane drought detection through spectral indices derived modeling by remote-sensing techniques
MCA Picoli, PG Machado, DG Duft, FV Scarpare, STR Corrêa, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 5 (4), 1679-1688, 2019
Assessment of impacts on basin stream flow derived from medium-term sugarcane expansion scenarios in Brazil
TAD Hernandes, FV Scarpare, JEA Seabra
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259, 11-18, 2018
Aplicação de AG3 e CPPU na qualidade da uva'Itália'em Porto Feliz-SP
A Rodrigues, JPC Araujo, EA Girardi, FV Scarpare, JA Scarpare Filho
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 33, 001-007, 2011
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