Faming Wang
Faming Wang
KU Leuven
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Technologies and perspectives for achieving carbon neutrality
F Wang, JD Harindintwali, Z Yuan, M Wang, F Wang, S Li, Z Yin, L Huang, ...
The innovation 2 (4), 2021
Nanozyme decorated metal–organic frameworks for enhanced photodynamic therapy
Y Zhang, F Wang, C Liu, Z Wang, LH Kang, Y Huang, K Dong, J Ren, ...
ACS nano 12 (1), 651-661, 2018
Direct evidence of an oceanic inverse kinetic energy cascade from satellite altimetry
RB Scott, F Wang
Journal of Physical Oceanography 35 (9), 1650-1666, 2005
A series of MOF/Ce-based nanozymes with dual enzyme-like activity disrupting biofilms and hindering recolonization of bacteria
Z Liu, F Wang, J Ren, X Qu
Biomaterials 208, 21-31, 2019
Global blue carbon accumulation in tidal wetlands increases with climate change
F Wang, CJ Sanders, IR Santos, J Tang, M Schuerch, ML Kirwan, ...
National Science Review 8 (9), nwaa296, 2021
Silver‐infused porphyrinic metal–organic framework: Surface‐adaptive, on‐demand nanoplatform for synergistic bacteria killing and wound disinfection
Y Zhang, P Sun, L Zhang, Z Wang, F Wang, K Dong, Z Liu, J Ren, X Qu
Advanced functional materials 29 (11), 1808594, 2019
Metal‐organic‐framework‐based vaccine platforms for enhanced systemic immune and memory response
Y Zhang, F Wang, E Ju, Z Liu, Z Chen, J Ren, X Qu
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (35), 6454-6461, 2016
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil microbial community in a secondary tropical forest of China
J Li, Z Li, F Wang, B Zou, Y Chen, J Zhao, Q Mo, Y Li, X Li, H Xia
Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 207-215, 2015
Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a heat wave perspective
C Gao, K Kuklane, F Wang, I Holmér
Indoor air 22 (6), 523-530, 2012
Effects of nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing tree species on soil properties and nitrogen transformation during forest restoration in southern China
F Wang, Z Li, H Xia, B Zou, N Li, J Liu, W Zhu
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 56 (2), 297-306, 2010
A biocompatible heterogeneous MOF–Cu catalyst for in vivo drug synthesis in targeted subcellular organelles
F Wang, Y Zhang, Z Liu, Z Du, L Zhang, J Ren, X Qu
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (21), 6987-6992, 2019
Designed heterogeneous palladium catalysts for reversible light-controlled bioorthogonal catalysis in living cells
F Wang, Y Zhang, Z Du, J Ren, X Qu
Nature communications 9 (1), 1209, 2018
A study on local cooling of garments with ventilation fans and openings placed at different torso sites
M Zhao, C Gao, F Wang, K Kuklane, I Holmér, J Li
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 43 (3), 232-237, 2013
Non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses-a review
B Yang, X Li, Y Hou, A Meier, X Cheng, JH Choi, F Wang, H Wang, ...
Energy and Buildings 224, 110261, 2020
A review of technology of personal heating garments
F Wang, C Gao, K Kuklane, I Holmér
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 16 (3), 387-404, 2010
Effects of experimental nitrogen and/or phosphorus additions on soil nematode communities in a secondary tropical forest
J Zhao, F Wang, J Li, B Zou, X Wang, Z Li, S Fu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 1-10, 2014
Tidal wetland resilience to sea level rise increases their carbon sequestration capacity in United States
F Wang, X Lu, CJ Sanders, J Tang
Nature Communications 10 (1), 5434, 2019
Coastal blue carbon: Concept, study method, and the application to ecological restoration
J Tang, S Ye, X Chen, H Yang, X Sun, F Wang, Q Wen, S Chen
Science China Earth Sciences 61, 637-646, 2018
CAN canopy addition of nitrogen better illustrate the effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on forest ecosystem?
W Zhang, W Shen, S Zhu, S Wan, Y Luo, J Yan, K Wang, L Liu, H Dai, P Li, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11245, 2015
Phosphorus addition decreases microbial residual contribution to soil organic carbon pool in a tropical coastal forest
Y Yuan, Y Li, Z Mou, L Kuang, W Wu, J Zhang, F Wang, D Hui, J Peñuelas, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (2), 454-466, 2021
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