Greg Rebetzke
Greg Rebetzke
Research Geneticist
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Breeding for high water-use efficiency
AG Condon, RA Richards, GJ Rebetzke, GD Farquhar
Journal of experimental botany 55 (407), 2447-2460, 2004
Breeding opportunities for increasing the efficiency of water use and crop yield in temperate cereals
RA Richards, GJ Rebetzke, AG Condon, AF Van Herwaarden
Crop science 42 (1), 111-121, 2002
Improving intrinsic water‐use efficiency and crop yield
AG Condon, RA Richards, GJ Rebetzke, GD Farquhar
Crop science 42 (1), 122-131, 2002
Traits and selection strategies to improve root systems and water uptake in water-limited wheat crops
AP Wasson, RA Richards, R Chatrath, SC Misra, SVS Prasad, ...
Journal of experimental botany 63 (9), 3485-3498, 2012
"Perfect" markers for the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing genes in wheat
M Ellis, W Spielmeyer, K Gale, G Rebetzke, R Richards
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 105, 1038-1042, 2002
Selection for reduced carbon isotope discrimination increases aerial biomass and grain yield of rainfed bread wheat
GJ Rebetzke, AG Condon, RA Richards, GD Farquhar
Crop science 42 (3), 739-745, 2002
Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment
RA Richards, GJ Rebetzke, M Watt, AGT Condon, W Spielmeyer, ...
Functional Plant Biology 37 (2), 85-97, 2010
Genetic variation for improving the salt tolerance of durum wheat
R Munns, RA Hare, RA James, GJ Rebetzke
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 51 (1), 69-74, 2000
Large root systems: are they useful in adapting wheat to dry environments?
JA Palta, X Chen, SP Milroy, GJ Rebetzke, MF Dreccer, M Watt
Functional Plant Biology 38 (5), 347-354, 2011
Genetic improvement of early vigour in wheat
GJ Rebetzke, RA Richards
Australian journal of agricultural research 50 (3), 291-302, 1999
High throughput determination of plant height, ground cover, and above-ground biomass in wheat with LiDAR
JA Jimenez-Berni, DM Deery, P Rozas-Larraondo, ATG Condon, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 237, 2018
Molecular mapping of gibberellin-responsive dwarfing genes in bread wheat
MH Ellis, GJ Rebetzke, F Azanza, RA Richards, W Spielmeyer
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111, 423-430, 2005
Genotypic increases in coleoptile length improves stand establishment, vigour and grain yield of deep-sown wheat
GJ Rebetzke, RA Richards, NA Fettell, M Long, AG Condon, RI Forrester, ...
Field crops research 100 (1), 10-23, 2007
Implementation of markers in Australian wheat breeding
HA Eagles, HS Bariana, FC Ogbonnaya, GJ Rebetzke, GJ Hollamby, ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 52 (12), 1349-1356, 2001
Genotypic variation in water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation in wheat
SA Ruuska, GJ Rebetzke, AF Van Herwaarden, RA Richards, NA Fettell, ...
Functional plant biology 33 (9), 799-809, 2006
The effect of different height reducing genes on the early growth of wheat
MH Ellis, GJ Rebetzke, P Chandler, D Bonnett, W Spielmeyer, ...
Functional Plant Biology 31 (6), 583-589, 2004
Sense and nonsense in conservation agriculture: principles, pragmatism and productivity in Australian mixed farming systems
JA Kirkegaard, MK Conyers, JR Hunt, CA Kirkby, M Watt, GJ Rebetzke
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 187, 133-145, 2014
Traits to improve yield in dry environments
RA Richards, AG Condon, GJ Rebetzke
Application of physiology in wheat breeding 7, 88-100, 2001
Quantitative trait loci for water-soluble carbohydrates and associations with agronomic traits in wheat
GJ Rebetzke, AF Van Herwaarden, C Jenkins, M Weiss, D Lewis, ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (10), 891-905, 2008
Genomic regions for canopy temperature and their genetic association with stomatal conductance and grain yield in wheat
GJ Rebetzke, AR Rattey, GD Farquhar, RA Richards, ATG Condon
Functional Plant Biology 40 (1), 14-33, 2012
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