Charles B. Chang
Charles B. Chang
Sonstige NamenCharles Chang, Charles Bond Chang
Professor of Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong
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Rapid and multifaceted effects of second-language learning on first-language speech production
CB Chang
Journal of Phonetics 40 (2), 249–268, 2012
A novelty effect in phonetic drift of the native language
CB Chang
Journal of Phonetics 41 (6), 520–533, 2013
Production of phonetic and phonological contrast by heritage speakers of Mandarin
CB Chang, Y Yao, EF Haynes, R Rhodes
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (6), 3964–3980, 2011
Bilingual perceptual benefits of experience with a heritage language
CB Chang
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19 (4), 791–809, 2016
Pitch ability as an aptitude for tone learning
AR Bowles, CB Chang, VP Karuzis
Language Learning 66 (4), 774–808, 2016
Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish
CB Chang
Selected Proceedings of the Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics 4, 54–63, 2008
The phonetics of second language learning and bilingualism
CB Chang
The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics, 427–447, 2019
First language phonetic drift during second language acquisition
CB Chang
PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Age effects in first language attrition: Speech perception by Korean‐English bilinguals
S Ahn, CB Chang, R DeKeyser, S Lee‐Ellis
Language Learning 67 (3), 694–733, 2017
Relationships of attitudes toward homework and time spent on homework to course outcomes: The case of foreign language learning
CB Chang, D Wall, M Tare, E Golonka, K Vatz
Journal of Educational Psychology 106 (4), 1049–1065, 2014
Toward an understanding of heritage prosody: Acoustic and perceptual properties of tone produced by heritage, native, and second language speakers of Mandarin
CB Chang, Y Yao
Heritage Language Journal 13 (2), 134–160, 2016
Phonetic drift
CB Chang
The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition, 191–203, 2019
Evidence for language transfer leading to a perceptual advantage for non-native listeners
CB Chang, A Mishler
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (4), 2700–2710, 2012
Context effects on second-language learning of tonal contrasts
CB Chang, AR Bowles
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (6), 3703–3716, 2015
Phonetics vs. phonology in loanword adaptation: Revisiting the role of the bilingual
CB Chang
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 34 (1 …, 2012
A tale of five fricatives: Consonantal contrast in heritage speakers of Mandarin
CB Chang, EF Haynes, Y Yao, R Rhodes
University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 15 (1), 37–43, 2009
Language change and linguistic inquiry in a world of multicompetence: Sustained phonetic drift and its implications for behavioral linguistic research
CB Chang
Journal of Phonetics 74, 96–113, 2019
Phonetics and phonology of heritage languages
CB Chang
The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics, 581–612, 2021
The production and perception of coronal fricatives in Seoul Korean: The case for a fourth laryngeal category
CB Chang
Korean Linguistics 15 (1), 7–49, 2013
On the cognitive basis of contact-induced sound change: Vowel merger reversal in Shanghainese
Y Yao, CB Chang
Language 92 (2), 433–467, 2016
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