Gilles Caulier
Gilles Caulier
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Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J Bucalossi, J Achard, O Agullo, T Alarcon, L Allegretti, H Ancher, G Antar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042007, 2022
RF heating optimization on Tore Supra using feedback control of infrared measurements
P Moreau, O Barana, S Brémond, L Colas, A Ekedahl, F Saint-Laurent, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (5-14), 1030-1035, 2007
Real-time determination of suprathermal electrons local emission profile from hard X-ray measurements in Tore Supra
O Barana, D Mazon, G Caulier, D Gamier, M Jouve, L Laborde, ...
14th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference, 2005., 5 pp., 2005
Design and integration of femtosecond Fiber Bragg gratings temperature probes inside actively cooled ITER-like plasma-facing components
N Chanet, Y Corre, R Cotillard, J Gaspar, G Laffont, C Pocheau, G Caulier, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 166, 112376, 2021
First temperature database achieved with Fiber Bragg Grating sensors in uncooled plasma facing components of the WEST lower divertor
Y Corre, N Chanet, R Cotillard, J Gaspar, G Laffont, C Pocheau, G Caulier, ...
Fusion Engineering and design 170, 112528, 2021
Adapting DCS real time framework for WEST plasma control
J Colnel, N Ravenel, R Nouailletas, G Caulier, P Moreau, W Treutterer, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 129, 24-28, 2018
Science and technology research and development in support to ITER and the Broader Approach at CEA
A Becoulet, GT Hoang, J Abiteboul, J Achard, T Alarcon, J Alba-Duran, ...
Nuclear fusion 53 (10), 104023, 2013
Software quality management approach for WEST CODAC
J Colnel, S Bremond, G Caulier, P Moreau, N Ravenel, B Santraine
Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 2264-2267, 2019
The data acquisition and interlock system for Tore Supra infrared imaging
D Moulin, C Balorin, Y Buravand, G Caulier, L Ducobu, D Guilhem, ...
Fusion engineering and design 66, 925-930, 2003
WEST full tungsten operation with an ITER grade divertor
J Bucalossi, A Ekedahl, J Achard, K Afonin, O Agullo, T Alarcon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 64 (11), 112022, 2024
New developments on Tore Supra data acquisition units
F Leroux, G Caulier, L Ducobu, M Goniche, G Antar
Proceedings of ICALEPCS, Grenoble, France, 922-925, 2011
Image analysis of infrared quantitative data applied to tokamak survey and safety: present and future
JM Travere, C Balorin, G Caulier, C Desgranges, G Dunand, M Jouve, ...
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, 1-5, 2007
WestBox: An object-oriented software component for WEST CODAC
G Caulier, B Santraine, J Colnel, N Ravenel, WEST Team
Fusion Engineering and Design 163, 112128, 2021
The data acquisition system for the infrared cameras on tore supra
D Moulin, C Balorin, Y Buravand, G Caulier, L Ducobu, D Guilhem, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49 (2), 423-427, 2002
From tore Supra to WEST: Evolution of the CODAC infrastructure
B Santraine, A Berne, G Caulier, J Colnel, N Ravenel, F Leroux, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 160, 111822, 2020
Real time ECE electron temperature profile measurements on the Tore-Supra tokamak
JL Ségui, D Molina, F Saint-Laurent, N Ravenel, G Caulier, M Goniche, ...
Proc. 14th Joint Workshop Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron …, 2006
Backward Compatible Update of the Timing System of WEST
Y Moudden, A Barbuti, G Caulier, T Poirier, B Santraine, B Vincent
17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics …, 2019
The Information Technology tools for remote participation and remote experiment control of WEST
T Hutter, H Ancher, C Bourdelle, G Caulier, J Colnel, E Corbel, L Fleury, ...
12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote …, 2019
From Tore Supra to WEST: Evolution of CODAC infrastructure
A Berne, B Santraine, N Ravenel, J Colnel, G Caulier, F Leroux
Infrared thermography for real time feedback control in Tokamak Tore-Supra
D Guilhem, C Balorin, G Caulier, C Desgranges, P Messina, M Missirlian, ...
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