Adrienne Wente
Adrienne Wente
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Changes in cognitive flexibility and hypothesis search across human life history from childhood to adolescence to adulthood
A Gopnik, S O’Grady, CG Lucas, TL Griffiths, A Wente, S Bridgers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (30), 7892-7899, 2017
Culture moderates the relationship between self-control ability and free will beliefs in childhood
X Zhao, A Wente, MF Flecha, DS Galvan, A Gopnik, T Kushnir
Cognition 210, 104609, 2021
How universal are free will beliefs? Cultural differences in Chinese and US 4‐and 6‐year‐olds
AO Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, E Seiver, L Zhu, A Gopnik
Child development 87 (3), 666-676, 2016
Causal learning across culture and socioeconomic status
AO Wente, K Kimura, CM Walker, N Banerjee, M Fernández Flecha, ...
Child development 90 (3), 859-875, 2019
Young children are wishful thinkers: The development of wishful thinking in 3‐to 10‐year‐old children
AO Wente, MK Goddu, T Garcia, E Posner, M Fernández Flecha, ...
Child development 91 (4), 1166-1182, 2020
Causal learning, counterfactual reasoning and pretend play: A cross-cultural comparison of Peruvian, mixed-and low-socioeconomic status US children
A Wente, A Gopnik, M Fernández Flecha, T Garcia, D Buchsbaum
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1866), 20210345, 2022
The developmental and cultural origins of our beliefs about self‐control
A Wente, X Zhao, A Gopnik, C Kang, T Kushnir
Surrounding self‐control, 2020
The relationship between inhibitory control and free will beliefs in 4-to 6-year-old-children
AO Wente, T Ting, R Aboody, T Kushnir, A Gopnik
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 38, 2016
Submission PDF
A Gopnik, S O'Grady, C Lucas, T Griffiths, A Wente, S Bridgers, R Aboody, ...
PNAS 67, 68, 0
Causal learning, counterfactual reasoning and pretend play: a cross-cultural comparison of Peruvian, mixed-and low
A Wente, A Gopnik, MF Flecha, T Garcia, D Buchsbaum
Young Children Are Wishful Thinkers: The Development of Wishful Thinking in 3-to 10-Year
AO Wente, MK Goddu, T Garcia
The Influence of Desires on Young Children's Reasoning
AO Wente
University of California, Berkeley, 2018
Desires influence 4-to 6-year-old children’s probabilistic judgments
A Wente, M Goddu, E Posner, T Garcia, A Gopnik
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 39, 2017
Culture, causal attributions, and development: A comparison of Chinese and US 4-and 6-year-olds
A Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, Y Cui, E Seiver, L Zhanxing, L Zhu, ...
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Development of an Instrument to Characterize Methodological and Collaborative Factors that May Influence Community-Based Clinician Post-Trial Adoption of Clinical Research …
JE Hettema, JL Sorensen, AO Wente, SE Larios
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 12, 420-431, 2014
Development of an Instrument to Characterize Methodological and
JE Hettema, JL Sorensen, AO Wente
Cultural variability in young children’s folk intuitions of free will
A Wente, S Bridgers, A Gopnik, Z Xin, Z Liqi, E Seiver
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
Correction to “When Fairness Is Not Enough: The Disproportionate Contributions of the Poor in a Collective Action Problem” by Malthouse et al.(2023)
HM Wellman, T Kushnir, F Xu, KA Brink, AO Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, ...
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