Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Jocelyn MillarWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 12
Specialized cells tag sexual and species identity in Drosophila melanogaster
JC Billeter, J Atallah, JJ Krupp, JG Millar, JD Levine
Nature 461 (7266), 987-991, 2009
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung …
Evolutionary patterns of pheromone diversity in Lepidoptera
C Löfstedt, N Wahlberg, JG Millar
Pheromone communication in moths: evolution, behavior and application 1, 43-82, 2016
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Biology, Ecology, and Management of an Invasive Stink Bug, Bagrada hilaris, in North America
JC Palumbo, TM Perring, JG Millar, DA Reed
Annual review of entomology 61 (1), 453-473, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
(S)-Sulcatol Is a Pheromone Component for Two Species of Cerambycid Beetles in the Subfamily Lamiinae
LR Meier, JG Millar, JA Mongold-Diers, LM Hanks
Journal of Chemical Ecology 45, 447-454, 2019
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
(Z)-7-Hexadecene is an Aggregation-Sex Pheromone Produced by Males of the South American Cerambycid Beetle Susuacanga octoguttata
WD Silva, JMS Bento, LM Hanks, JG Millar
Journal of Chemical Ecology 44, 1115-1119, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Efficient asymmetric synthesis of long chain methyl-branched hydrocarbons, components of the contact sex pheromone of females of the cerambycid beetle, Neoclytus acuminatus …
JE Bello, JG Millar
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 24 (13-14), 822-826, 2013
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
False positives from impurities result in incorrect functional characterization of receptors in chemosensory studies
DLP Schorkopf, BP Molnár, M Solum, MC Larsson, JG Millar, Z Karpati, ...
Progress in Neurobiology 181, 101661, 2019
Mandate: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Swedish …
Pheromone Bouquet of the Dried Bean Beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Col.: Chrysomelidae), Now Complete
J Vuts, W Francke, K Mori, PHG Zarbin, AM Hooper, JG Millar, JA Pickett, ...
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 (22), 4843-4846, 2015
Mandate: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
Optimization of 13-tetradecenyl acetate sex pheromone for trapping Melanotus communis (Coleoptera: Elateridae)
E Schoeppner, JG Millar, TP Kuhar, H Doughty, RH Cherry, G Hall, ...
Journal of Economic Entomology 116 (4), 1423-1431, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Characterization of cuticular compounds of the cerambycid beetles Monochamus galloprovincialis, Arhopalus syriacus, and Pogonocherus perroudi, potential …
E Gonçalves, AC Figueiredo, JG Barroso, JG Millar, J Henriques, E Sousa, ...
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 169 (2), 183-194, 2021
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Fresh cucumber as an attractant for the invasive snail Xerolenta obvia
M Cordoba, JG Millar, I Foley, TO Anderson, AL Roda, GD Adams, ...
American Malacological Bulletin 37 (2), 62-65, 2020
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
(1R,4R)-Quercivorol, a Male-Produced Aggregation-Sex Pheromone of the Beetle Elytrimitatrix undata (F.) (Coleoptera: Disteniidae)
R Röpke, JG Millar, S Halloran, MD Ginzel, KN Tobin, AC Grommes, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 49 (7), 363-368, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Verfügbar: 114
Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing
A Van Oystaeyen, RC Oliveira, L Holman, JS Van Zweden, C Romero, ...
Science 343 (6168), 287-290, 2014
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung …
A single gene affects both ecological divergence and mate choice in Drosophila
H Chung, DW Loehlin, HD Dufour, K Vaccarro, JG Millar, SB Carroll
Science 343 (6175), 1148-1151, 2014
Mandate: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Sex and aggregation-sex pheromones of cerambycid beetles: basic science and practical applications
LM Hanks, JG Millar
Journal of chemical ecology 42, 631-654, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Sequencing and characterizing odorant receptors of the cerambycid beetle Megacyllene caryae
RF Mitchell, DT Hughes, CW Luetje, JG Millar, F Soriano-Agatón, ...
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 42 (7), 499-505, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Specialized odorant receptors in social insects that detect cuticular hydrocarbon cues and candidate pheromones
GM Pask, JD Slone, JG Millar, P Das, JA Moreira, X Zhou, J Bello, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 297, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Functional characterization of odorant receptors in the ponerine ant, Harpegnathos saltator
JD Slone, GM Pask, ST Ferguson, JG Millar, SL Berger, D Reinberg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (32), 8586-8591, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Response of the Woodborers Monochamus carolinensis and Monochamus titillator (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) to Known Cerambycid Pheromones in the …
JD Allison, JL McKenney, JG Millar, JS McElfresh, RF Mitchell, LM Hanks
Environmental entomology 41 (6), 1587-1596, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Cerambycid beetle species with similar pheromones are segregated by phenology and minor pheromone components
RF Mitchell, PF Reagel, JCH Wong, LR Meier, WD Silva, J Mongold-Diers, ...
Journal of chemical ecology 41, 431-440, 2015
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
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