Eline Boelee
Eline Boelee
Deltares, the Netherlands
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Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs
AEV Evans, J Mateo-Sagasta, M Qadir, E Boelee, A Ippolito
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 36, 20-27, 2019
Water and health: From environmental pressures to integrated responses
E Boelee, G Geerling, B van der Zaan, A Blauw, AD Vethaak
Acta tropica 193, 217-226, 2019
Multiple-use water services to advance the Millennium Development Goals
B Van Koppen, P Moriarty, E Boelee
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Research Report 98, 44, 2006
Early biting rhythm in the afro‐tropical vector of malaria, Anopheles arabiensis, and challenges for its control in Ethiopia
M Yohannes, E Boelee
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 26 (1), 103-105, 2012
Agriculture, malaria, and water-associated diseases: understanding the links between agriculture and health
CM Mutero, M McCartney, E Boelee
2020 vision briefs, 2006
Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia
SB Awulachew, D Merrey, A Kamara, B Van Koppen, F Penning de Vries, ...
International Water Management Institute, 2005
The impact of a small‐scale irrigation scheme on malaria transmission in Ziway area, Central Ethiopia
S Kibret, Y Alemu, E Boelee, H Tekie, D Alemu, B Petros
Tropical Medicine & International Health 15 (1), 41-50, 2010
Entomological studies on the impact of a small-scale irrigation scheme on malaria transmission around Zeway, Ethiopia
S Kibret, B Petros, E Boelee, H Tekie
Impact of irrigation on poverty and environment in Ethiopia, 418-438, 2008
Engineering and malaria control: learning from the past 100 years
F Konradsen, W van der Hoek, FP Amerasinghe, C Mutero, E Boelee
Acta Tropica 89 (2), 99-108, 2004
Options for water storage and rainwater harvesting to improve health and resilience against climate change in Africa
E Boelee, M Yohannes, JN Poda, M McCartney, P Cecchi, S Kibret, ...
Regional Environmental Change 13 (3), 509-519, 2013
Environmental control of schistosomiasis through community participation in a Moroccan oasis
E Boelee, H Laamrani
Tropical Medicine & International Health 9 (9), 997-1004, 2004
The economic value of improved wastewater irrigation: a contingent valuation study in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AB Weldesilassie, O Frör, E Boelee, S Dabbert
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 428-449, 2009
Ecosystems for water and food security
E Boelee, S Atapattu, J Barron, P Bindraban, SW Bunting, D Coates, ...
Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme; Colombo: International Water …, 2011
Impacts of concrete lining of irrigation canals on availability of water for domestic use in southern Sri Lanka
K Meijer, E Boelee, D Augustijn, I Molen
Agricultural Water Management 83 (3), 243-251, 2006
Overcoming water challenges through nature-based solutions
E Boelee, J Janse, A Le Gal, M Kok, R Alkemade, W Ligtvoet
Water Policy 19 (5), 820-836, 2017
Multiple use water services for the poor: assessing the state of knowledge
M Renwick, D Joshi, M Huang, S Kong, S Petrova, G Bennett, R Bingham, ...
Winrock International, IRC Water and Sanitation Centre, International Water …, 2007
Evaluation of the environmental policy and impact assessment process in Ethiopia
D Ruffeis, W Loiskandl, SB Awulachew, E Boelee
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 28 (1), 29-40, 2010
Health impacts of small reservoirs in Burkina Faso
E Boelee, P Cecchi, A Koné
IWMI 136, 40, 2009
Cryptosporidium and Giardia infection and drinking water sources among children in Lege Dini, Ethiopia
D Ayalew, E Boelee, T Endeshaw, B Petros
Tropical Medicine & International Health 13 (4), 472-475, 2008
Roles, constraints and opportunities of small scale irrigation and water harvesting in Ethiopian agricultural development: Assessment of existing situation
SB Awulachew, D Merrey, B van Koppen, A Kamara, F Penning de Vries, ...
International Water Management Institute Conference Papers, 2005
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