Changqing Luo
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Channel state information prediction for 5G wireless communications: A deep learning approach
C Luo, J Ji, Q Wang, X Chen, P Li
IEEE transactions on network science and engineering 7 (1), 227-236, 2018
Cross-layer design for TCP performance improvement in cognitive radio networks
C Luo, FR Yu, H Ji, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (5), 2485-2495, 2010
When machine learning meets blockchain: A decentralized, privacy-preserving and secure design
X Chen, J Ji, C Luo, W Liao, P Li
2018 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 1178-1187, 2018
A tensor-based approach for big data representation and dimensionality reduction
L Kuang, F Hao, LT Yang, M Lin, C Luo, G Min
IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computing 2 (3), 280-291, 2014
Green communication in energy renewable wireless mesh networks: Routing, rate control, and power allocation
C Luo, S Guo, S Guo, LT Yang, G Min, X Xie
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (12), 3211-3220, 2014
Efficient secure outsourcing of large-scale linear systems of equations
S Salinas, C Luo, X Chen, P Li
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1035-1043, 2015
MobiFuzzyTrust: an efficient fuzzy trust inference mechanism in mobile social networks
F Hao, G Min, M Lin, C Luo, LT Yang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (11), 2944-2955, 2013
Cloud-based mobile multimedia recommendation system with user behavior information
Y Mo, J Chen, X Xie, C Luo, LT Yang
IEEE Systems Journal 8 (1), 184-193, 2014
Energy-efficient distributed relay and power control in cognitive radio cooperative communications
C Luo, G Min, FR Yu, M Chen, LT Yang, VCM Leung
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (11), 2442-2452, 2013
Utility-based multi-service bandwidth allocation in the 4G heterogeneous wireless access networks
C Luo, H Ji, Y Li
2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-5, 2009
Efficient secure outsourcing of large-scale sparse linear systems of equations
S Salinas, C Luo, X Chen, W Liao, P Li
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 4 (1), 26-39, 2017
CRIL: An efficient online adaptive indoor localization system
S Cai, W Liao, C Luo, M Li, X Huang, P Li
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (5), 4148-4160, 2016
An optimized computational model for multi-community-cloud social collaboration
F Hao, G Min, J Chen, F Wang, M Lin, C Luo, LT Yang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 7 (3), 346-358, 2014
Joint relay scheduling, channel access, and power allocation for green cognitive radio communications
C Luo, G Min, FR Yu, Y Zhang, LT Yang, VCM Leung
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (5), 922-932, 2014
Distributed relay selection and power control in cognitive radio networks with cooperative transmission
C Luo, FR Yu, H Ji, VCM Leung
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Optimal data fusion of collaborative spectrum sensing under attack in cognitive radio networks
Y Cai, Y Mo, K Ota, C Luo, M Dong, LT Yang
IEEE Network 28 (1), 17-23, 2014
Online power control for 5G wireless communications: A deep Q-network approach
C Luo, J Ji, Q Wang, L Yu, P Li
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
Energy-efficient computation offloading in mobile edge computing systems with uncertainties
T Ji, C Luo, L Yu, Q Wang, S Chen, A Thapa, P Li
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (8), 5717-5729, 2022
A holistic approach for distributed dimensionality reduction of big data
L Kuang, LT Yang, J Chen, F Hao, C Luo
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6 (2), 506-518, 2015
A D2D-assisted MEC computation offloading in the blockchain-based framework for UDNs
S Seng, X Li, C Luo, H Ji, H Zhang
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2019
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