Silvia Pastoriza de la Cueva
Silvia Pastoriza de la Cueva
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Antimicrobial Activity of Coffee Melanoidins A Study of Their Metal-Chelating Properties
JA Rufián-Henares, SP de la Cueva
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 57 (2), 432-438, 2009
Revalorization of coffee by-products. Prebiotic, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties
A Jiménez-Zamora, S Pastoriza, JA Rufián-Henares
LWT-Food Science and Technology 61 (1), 12-18, 2015
An in vitro batch fermentation protocol for studying the contribution of food to gut microbiota composition and functionality
S Pérez-Burillo, S Molino, B Navajas-Porras, ÁJ Valverde-Moya, ...
Nature protocols 16 (7), 3186-3209, 2021
Healthy properties of green and white teas: an update
S Pastoriza, M Mesías, C Cabrera, JA Rufián-Henares
Food & function 8 (8), 2650-2662, 2017
Effect of brewing time and temperature on antioxidant capacity and phenols of white tea: Relationship with sensory properties
S Pérez-Burillo, R Giménez, JA Rufián-Henares, S Pastoriza
Food chemistry 248, 111-118, 2018
A physiologic approach to test the global antioxidant response of foods. The GAR method
S Pastoriza, C Delgado-Andrade, A Haro, JA Rufián-Henares
Food Chemistry 129 (4), 1926-1932, 2011
Contribution of melanoidins to the antioxidant capacity of the Spanish diet
S Pastoriza, JA Rufián-Henares
Food chemistry 164, 438-445, 2014
Assessment of hydroxymethylfurfural intake in the Spanish diet
JA Rufián-Henares, SP De la Cueva
Food Additives and Contaminants 25 (11), 1306-1312, 2008
Bioactivity of food melanoidins is mediated by gut microbiota
S Pérez-Burillo, S Rajakaruna, S Pastoriza, O Paliy, JÁ Rufián-Henares
Food Chemistry 316, 126309, 2020
Relationship between HMF intake and SMF formation in vivo: An animal and human study
S Pastoriza de la Cueva, J Álvarez, Á Végvári, J Montilla‐Gómez, ...
Molecular nutrition & food research 61 (3), 1600773, 2017
Impact of spent coffee grounds as organic amendment on soil fertility and lettuce growth in two Mediterranean agricultural soils
A Cervera-Mata, S Pastoriza, JÁ Rufián-Henares, J Párraga, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 64 (6), 790-804, 2018
Relationship between composition and bioactivity of persimmon and kiwifruit
S Pèrez-Burillo, MJ Oliveras, J Quesada, JA Rufián-Henares, S Pastoriza
Food Research International 105, 461-472, 2018
Spent coffee grounds improve the nutritional value in elements of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and are an ecological alternative to inorganic fertilizers
A Cervera-Mata, M Navarro-Alarcón, G Delgado, S Pastoriza, ...
Food chemistry 282, 1-8, 2019
A combined procedure to evaluate the global antioxidant response of bread
C Delgado-Andrade, JA Conde-Aguilera, A Haro, SP de la Cueva, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 52 (2), 239-246, 2010
Green tea and its relation to human gut microbiome
S Pérez-Burillo, B Navajas-Porras, A López-Maldonado, ...
Molecules 26 (13), 3907, 2021
Effect of home cooking on the antioxidant capacity of vegetables: Relationship with Maillard reaction indicators
S Pérez-Burillo, JÁ Rufián-Henares, S Pastoriza
Food Research International 121, 514-523, 2019
Towards an improved global antioxidant response method (GAR+): Physiological-resembling in vitro digestion-fermentation method
S Pérez-Burillo, JA Rufián-Henares, S Pastoriza
Food chemistry 239, 1253-1262, 2018
Effect of food thermal processing on the composition of the gut microbiota
S Pérez-Burillo, S Pastoriza, N Jiménez-Hernández, G D’Auria, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66 (43), 11500-11509, 2018
Green and white teas as health-promoting foods
D Hinojosa-Nogueira, S Pérez-Burillo, SP de la Cueva, ...
Food & function 12 (9), 3799-3819, 2021
Modifications in bacterial groups and short chain fatty acid production in the gut of healthy adult rats after long-term consumption of dietary Maillard reaction products
C Delgado-Andrade, SP de la Cueva, MJ Peinado, JÁ Rufián-Henares, ...
Food Research International 100, 134-142, 2017
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