Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Uffe jørgensenWeitere Informationen
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Long-term Miscanthus yields influenced by location, genotype, row distance, fertilization and harvest season
SU Larsen, U Jørgensen, JB Kjeldsen, PE Lærke
Bioenergy Research 7, 620-635, 2014
Mandate: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Biomass productivity and radiation utilisation of innovative cropping systems for biorefinery
K Manevski, PE Lærke, X Jiao, S Santhome, U Jørgensen
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233, 250-264, 2017
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Willow yield is highly dependent on clone and site
SU Larsen, U Jørgensen, PE Lærke
BioEnergy Research 7, 1280-1292, 2014
Mandate: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Fertilization of SRC willow, I: biomass production response
L Sevel, T Nord-Larsen, M Ingerslev, U Jørgensen, ...
BioEnergy Research 7, 319-328, 2014
Mandate: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Nitrogen balances of innovative cropping systems for feedstock production to future biorefineries
K Manevski, PE Lærke, JE Olesen, U Jørgensen
Science of the Total Environment 633, 372-390, 2018
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Crude protein yield and theoretical extractable true protein of potential biorefinery feedstocks
Z Solati, K Manevski, U Jørgensen, R Labouriau, S Shahbazi, PE Lærke
Industrial Crops and Products 115, 214-226, 2018
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Osteochondroplasty and labral repair for the treatment of young adults with femoroacetabular impingement: a randomized controlled trial
Femoroacetabular Impingement Randomized Controlled Trial (FIRST) Investigators
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 49 (1), 25-34, 2021
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Quality determination of biomass for combustion: a new high-throughput microwave digestion method prior to elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission …
N Liu, U Jørgensen, PE Lærke
Energy & fuels 27 (12), 7485-7488, 2013
Mandate: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Ammoniated straw incorporation increases wheat yield, yield stability, soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen content
Y Li, H Feng, L Xia, J Li, C Li, H Zang, MN Andersen, JE Olesen, ...
Field Crops Research 284, 108558, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Harnessing the full potential of biomethane towards tomorrow's bioeconomy: A national case study coupling sustainable agricultural intensification, emerging biogas technologies …
L Hamelin, HB Møller, U Jørgensen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 138, 110506, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Fertilization of SRC willow, II: leaching and element balances
L Sevel, M Ingerslev, T Nord-Larsen, U Jørgensen, PE Holm, K Schelde, ...
BioEnergy Research 7, 338-352, 2014
Mandate: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Optimized crop rotations increase biomass production without significantly changing soil carbon and nitrogen stock
J Chen, PE Lærke, U Jørgensen
Ecological Indicators 117, 106669, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Innovation Fund Denmark
The effect of harvest time, dry matter content and mechanical pretreatments on anaerobic digestion and enzymatic hydrolysis of miscanthus
S Frydendal-Nielsen, M Hjorth, S Baby, C Felby, U Jørgensen, R Gislum
Bioresource technology 218, 1008-1015, 2016
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Estimation of extractable protein in botanical fractions of legume and grass species
Z Solati, U Jørgensen, J Eriksen, K Søegaard
Grass and Forage Science 73 (2), 572-581, 2018
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Plants with lengthened phenophases increase their dominance under warming in an alpine plant community
J Chen, Y Luo, Y Chen, AJ Felton, KA Hopping, RW Wang, S Niu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 728, 138891, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Biomass yield, nutrient concentration and nutrient uptake by SRC willow cultivars grown on different sites in Denmark
SU Larsen, U Jørgensen, PE Lærke
Biomass and Bioenergy 116, 161-170, 2018
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Effect of fertilisation on biomass yield, ash and element uptake in SRC willow
SU Larsen, U Jørgensen, JB Kjeldsen, PE Lærke
Biomass and Bioenergy 86, 120-128, 2016
Mandate: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Ensiling of the pulp fraction after biorefining of grass into pulp and protein juice
SU Larsen, M Ambye-Jensen, H Jørgensen, U Jørgensen
Industrial Crops and Products 139, 111576, 2019
Mandate: Innovation Fund Denmark
Concentrations of chemical elements in willow biomass depend on clone, site and management in the field
N Liu, U Jørgensen, PE Lærke
BioEnergy Research 9, 1216-1230, 2016
Mandate: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Sampling procedure in a willow plantation for chemical elements important for biomass combustion quality
N Liu, HK Nielsen, U Jørgensen, PE Lærke
Fuel 142, 283-288, 2015
Mandate: Danish Council for Strategic Research
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