Bioacoustics approaches in biodiversity inventories MK Obrist, G Pavan, J Sueur, K Riede, D Llusia, R Márquez Abc Taxa 8, 68-99, 2010 | 191 | 2010 |
Individual recognition of male Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) using spectrograms of their territorial calls P Galeotti, G Pavan Ethology Ecology & Evolution 3 (2), 113-126, 1991 | 149 | 1991 |
Sometimes Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) Cannot Find Their Way Back to the High Seas: A Multidisciplinary Study on a Mass Stranding S Mazzariol, G Di Guardo, A Petrella, L Marsili, CM Fossi, C Leonzio, ... PLoS One 6 (5), e19417, 2011 | 128 | 2011 |
Behavioural strategy of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in response to different kinds of boats in the waters of Lampedusa Island (Italy) G La Manna, M Manghi, G Pavan, F Lo Mascolo, G Sarà Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23 (5), 745-757, 2013 | 98 | 2013 |
Time pattern of Sperm whale codas recorded in the Mediterranean Sea 1985–1996 G Pavan, T Hayward, JF Borsani, M Priano, M Manghi, C Fossati, ... J. Acoust. Soc. Am 107 (6), 3487-3495, 2000 | 98 | 2000 |
Time patterns of sperm whale codas recorded in the Mediterranean Sea 1985–1996 G Pavan, TJ Hayward, JF Borsani, M Priano, M Manghi, C Fossati, ... The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (6), 3487-3495, 2000 | 96 | 2000 |
A review of Cuvier's beaked whale strandings in the Mediterranean Sea M Podesta, A D Amico, G Pavan, A Drougas, A Komnenou, N Portunato Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 7 (3), 251, 2005 | 92 | 2005 |
Differential responses of territorial Tawny Owls Strix aluco to the hooting of neighbours and strangers P GALEOTTI, G PAVAN Ibis 135 (3), 300-304, 1993 | 91 | 1993 |
Sound production during courtship and spawning among freshwater gobiids (Pisces, Gobiidae) M Lugli, P Torricelli, G Pavan, D Mainardi Marine & Freshwater Behaviour & Phy 29 (1-4), 109-126, 1997 | 88 | 1997 |
Spawning vocalizations in male freshwater gobiids (Pisces, Gobiidae) M Lugli, G Pavan, P Torricelli, L Bobbio Environmental Biology of Fishes 43, 219-231, 1995 | 84 | 1995 |
Cetacean strandings in Italy: an unusual mortality event along the Tyrrhenian Sea coast in 2013 C Casalone, S Mazzariol, A Pautasso, G Di Guardo, F Di Nocera, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 109 (1), 81-86, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Analysis of sounds produced by male Padogobius martensi (Pisces, Gobiidae) and factors affecting their structural properties P Torricelli, M Lugli, G Pavan Bioacoustics 2 (4), 261-275, 1990 | 76 | 1990 |
NEMO-SN1 abyssal cabled observatory in the Western Ionian Sea P Favali, F Chierici, G Marinaro, G Giovanetti, A Azzarone, L Beranzoli, ... IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 38 (2), 358-374, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Breeding sounds of male Padogobius nigricans with suggestions for further evolutionary study of vocal behaviour in gobioid fishes M Lugli, P Torricelli, G Pavan, PJ Miller Journal of Fish Biology 49 (4), 648-657, 1996 | 65 | 1996 |
Individually distinct hooting in male Pygmy Owls Glaucidium passerinum: a multivariate approach P Galeotti, M Paladin, G Pavan Ornis Scandinavica, 15-20, 1993 | 65 | 1993 |
Annual Acoustic Presence of Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) Offshore Eastern Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea V Sciacca, F Caruso, L Beranzoli, F Chierici, E De Domenico, D Embriaco, ... PloS one 10 (11), e0141838, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
AIP Conference Proceedings S Viola, S Aiello, F Ameli, M Anghinolfi, G Barbagallo, G Barbarino, ... American Institute of Physics Inc., 2014 | 59* | 2014 |
An integrated approach for cetacean knowledge and conservation in the central Mediterranean Sea using research and social media data sources DS Pace, G Giacomini, I Campana, M Paraboschi, G Pellegrino, ... Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (8), 1302-1323, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
Long-term monitoring of dolphin biosonar activity in deep pelagic waters of the Mediterranean Sea F Caruso, G Alonge, G Bellia, E De Domenico, R Grammauta, G Larosa, ... Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-12, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Ultrasound production in the courtship behaviour of Ephestia cautella (Walk.), E. kuehniella Z. and Plodia interpunctella (Hb.)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) P Trematerra, G Pavan Journal of Stored Products Research 31 (1), 43-48, 1995 | 55 | 1995 |