Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Minhan DaiWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 8
Impacts of the Zhe-Min Coastal Current on the biogeographic pattern of microbial eukaryotic communities
Z Xu, Y Li, Y Lu, Y Li, Z Yuan, M Dai, H Liu
Progress in Oceanography 183, 102309, 2020
Mandate: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Seasonal dynamics and export of biogenic silica in the upper water column of a large marginal sea, the northern South China Sea
Z Cao, D Wang, Z Zhang, K Zhou, X Liu, L Wang, B Huang, P Cai, M Dai
Progress in Oceanography 188, 102421, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon in the South China Sea: A modeling study
C Du, J Gan, CR Hui, Z Lu, X Zhao, E Roberts, M Dai
Progress in Oceanography 186, 102367, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Impact of physical and biogeochemical forcing on particle export in the South China Sea
K Zhou, M Dai, K Maiti, W Chen, J Chen, Q Hong, Y Ma, P Xiu, L Wang, ...
Progress In Oceanography 187, 102403, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Satellite-estimated air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea: Patterns and variations during 2003–2019
S Yu, Z Song, Y Bai, X Guo, X He, W Zhai, H Zhao, M Dai
Science of The Total Environment 904, 166804, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Construction of a High Spatiotemporal Resolution Dataset of Satellite-Derived pCO2 and Air–Sea CO2 Flux in the South China Sea (2003–2019)
Z Song, S Yu, Y Bai, X Guo, X He, W Zhai, M Dai
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-15, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
River-dominated pCO2 dynamics in the northern South China Sea during summer: a modeling study
H Zhao, M Dai, J Gan, X Zhao, Z Lu, L Liang, Z Liu, J Su, Z Cao
Progress in Oceanography 190, 102457, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
The south china sea deep: introduction
P Wang, Q Li, M Dai
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 122, 1-5, 2015
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Verfügbar: 137
Fukushima Daiichi–derived radionuclides in the ocean: transport, fate, and impacts
K Buesseler, M Dai, M Aoyama, C Benitez-Nelson, S Charmasson, ...
Annual review of marine science 9 (1), 173-203, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Eutrophication-driven hypoxia in the East China Sea off the Changjiang Estuary
H Wang, M Dai, J Liu, SJ Kao, C Zhang, WJ Cai, G Wang, W Qian, M Zhao, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (5), 2255-2263, 2016
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Drivers shaping the diversity and biogeography of total and active bacterial communities in the South China Sea
Y Zhang, Z Zhao, M Dai, N Jiao, GJ Herndl
Molecular Ecology 23 (9), 2260-2274, 2014
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, National Natural …
Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton community of a continental-shelf sea: the East China Sea
S Guo, Y Feng, L Wang, M Dai, Z Liu, Y Bai, J Sun
Marine Ecology Progress Series 516, 103-126, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Preservation of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments offshore Taiwan: mountain building and atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration
SJ Kao, RG Hilton, K Selvaraj, M Dai, F Zehetner, JC Huang, SC Hsu, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 2 (1), 127-139, 2014
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Current status of emerging hypoxia in a eutrophic estuary: The lower reach of the Pearl River Estuary, China
W Qian, J Gan, J Liu, B He, Z Lu, X Guo, D Wang, L Guo, T Huang, M Dai
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 205, 58-67, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Carbon fluxes in the coastal ocean: synthesis, boundary processes, and future trends
M Dai, J Su, Y Zhao, EE Hofmann, Z Cao, WJ Cai, J Gan, F Lacroix, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 50 (1), 593-626, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Coastal acidification induced by tidal-driven submarine groundwater discharge in a coastal coral reef system
G Wang, W Jing, S Wang, Y Xu, Z Wang, Z Zhang, Q Li, M Dai
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (22), 13069-13075, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tracing the origin of the oxygen-consuming organic matter in the hypoxic zone in a large eutrophic estuary: the lower reach of the Pearl River Estuary, China
J Su, M Dai, B He, L Wang, J Gan, X Guo, H Zhao, F Yu
Biogeosciences 14 (18), 4085-4099, 2017
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Hypoxia in the upper reaches of the Pearl River Estuary and its maintenance mechanisms: a synthesis based on multiple year observations during 2000–2008
B He, M Dai, W Zhai, X Guo, L Wang
Marine Chemistry 167, 13-24, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Carbon pools and fluxes in the China Seas and adjacent oceans
N Jiao, Y Liang, Y Zhang, J Liu, Y Zhang, R Zhang, M Zhao, M Dai, ...
Science China Earth Sciences 61, 1535-1563, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A mechanistic semi‐analytical method for remotely sensing sea surface pCO2 in river‐dominated coastal oceans: A case study from the East China Sea
Y Bai, WJ Cai, XQ He, WD Zhai, DL Pan, M Dai, PS Yu
Journal of Geophysical Research 120, doi:10.1002/2014JC010632., 2015
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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