Luiz Augusto dos Santos Madureira
Luiz Augusto dos Santos Madureira
Professor do Departamento de Química, UFSC
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Thermally produced ω-(o-alkylphenyl) alkanoic acids provide evidence for the processing of marine products in archaeological pottery vessels
FA Hansel, MS Copley, LAS Madureira, RP Evershed
Tetrahedron letters 45 (14), 2999-3002, 2004
Long-chain alkenones and alkyl alkenoates as palaeotemperature indicators: their production, flux and early sedimentary diagenesis in the Eastern North Atlantic
MH Conte, G Eglinton, LAS Madureira
Organic Geochemistry 19 (1-3), 287-298, 1992
Biofuels from waste fish oil pyrolysis: Continuous production in a pilot plant
VR Wiggers, A Wisniewski Jr, LAS Madureira, AAC Barros, HF Meier
Fuel 88 (11), 2135-2141, 2009
Proposal of a sequential treatment methodology for the safe reuse of oil sludge-contaminated soil
L Mater, RM Sperb, LAS Madureira, AP Rosin, AXR Correa, CM Radetski
Journal of hazardous materials 136 (3), 967-971, 2006
Biofuels from waste fish oil pyrolysis: Chemical composition
A Wisniewski Jr, VR Wiggers, EL Simionatto, HF Meier, AAC Barros, ...
Fuel 89 (3), 563-568, 2010
Early diagenesis of lipid biomarker compounds in North Atlantic sediments
LAS Madureira, MH Conte, G Eglinton
Paleoceanography 10 (3), 627-642, 1995
Late Quaternary high‐resolution biomarker and other sedimentary climate proxies in a northeast Atlantic core
LAS Madureira, SA van Kreveld, G Eglinton, MH Conte, G Ganssen, ...
Paleoceanography 12 (2), 255-269, 1997
Assessment of lipid compounds and phosphorus in mangrove sediments of Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil
L Mater, MR Alexandre, FA Hansel, LAS Madureira
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 15, 725-734, 2004
Speciation of butyltin derivatives in surface sediments of three southern Brazilian harbors
CR de Oliveira, DM dos Santos, LA dos Santos Madureira, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 181 (1-3), 851-856, 2010
Origin and fate of organic biomarker compounds in the water column and sediments of the eastern North Atlantic
MH Conte, G Eglinton, LAS Madreira
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1995
Assessment of anthropogenic contamination with sterol markers in surface sediments of a tropical estuary (Itajaí-Açu, Brazil)
M Frena, GA Bataglion, AE Tonietto, MN Eberlin, MR Alexandre, ...
Science of the Total Environment 544, 432-438, 2016
Aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments collected from mangroves with different levels of urbanization in southern Brazil
MA Assunção, M Frena, APS Santos, LA dos Santos Madureira
Marine pollution bulletin 119 (1), 439-445, 2017
Distribution and sources of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of Itajaí-Açu estuarine system in Brazil
M Frena, GA Bataglion, SS Sandini, KN Kuroshima, MN Eberlin, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 28 (4), 603-614, 2017
Effect of dietary (n-3) highly unsaturated fatty acids on growth and survival of fat snook (Centropomus parallelus, Pisces: Centropomidae) larvae during first feeding
MEB Seiffert, VR Cerqueira, LAS Madureira
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 34, 645-651, 2001
Geochemical markers as a tool to assess sedimentary organic matter sources of the Laguna Estuarine System, south Brazil: aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
R Tarozo, M Frena, LAS Madureira
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 21, 2308-2318, 2010
Sterol biomarkers and fecal coliforms in a tropical estuary: Seasonal distribution and sources
M Frena, APS Santos, MRR Souza, SS Carvalho, LAS Madureira, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 139, 111-116, 2019
A novel extraction-based procedure for the determination of trace elements in estuarine sediment samples by ICP-MS
M Frena, DPC Quadros, INB Castilho, JS de Gois, DLG Borges, B Welz, ...
Microchemical Journal 117, 1-6, 2014
Evaluation of anthropogenic contamination using sterol markers in a tropical estuarine system of northeast Brazil
M Frena, MRR Souza, FC Damasceno, LAS Madureira, MR Alexandre
Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (1), 619-623, 2016
Assessment and sources of nonaromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of three harbors in Santa Catarina State, Brazil
CR de Oliveira, LA dos Santos Madureira
Environmental monitoring and assessment 173, 91-105, 2011
Evaluation of the organic matter sources using the δ13C composition of individual n-alkanes in sediments from Brazilian estuarine systems by GC/C/IRMS
OLG Maioli, CR de Oliveira, MA Dal Sasso, LA dos Santos Madureira, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 114, 140-147, 2012
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