Richard Thackway
Richard Thackway
Adjunct Associate Professor, Australian National University
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An interim biogeographic regionalisation for Australia: a framework for establishing the national system of reserves
R Thackway, ID Cresswell
Australian Nature Conservation Agency …, 1995
Bushfires ‘down under’: patterns and implications of contemporary Australian landscape burning
J Russell-Smith, CP Yates, PJ Whitehead, R Smith, R Craig, GE Allan, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 16 (4), 361-377, 2007
Protective functions and ecosystem services of global forests in the past quarter-century
S Miura, T Hofer, J San-Miguel-Ayanz, E Ernawati, R Thackway
Forest Ecology and Management 352, 35-46, 2015
Linking vegetation type and condition to ecosystem goods and services
G Yapp, J Walker, R Thackway
Ecological Complexity 7 (3), 292-301, 2010
A tale of two parks: contemporary fire regimes of Litchfield and Nitmiluk National Parks, monsoonal northern Australia
A Edwards, P Hauser, M Anderson, J McCartney, M Armstrong, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 10 (1), 79-89, 2001
Reporting vegetation condition using the Vegetation Assets, States and Transitions (VAST) framework
R Thackway, R Lesslie
Ecological Management & Restoration 7, S53-S62, 2006
Brave new green world–consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity
CJA Bradshaw, DMJS Bowman, NR Bond, BP Murphy, AD Moore, ...
Biological Conservation 161, 71-90, 2013
A bioregional framework for planning the national system of protected areas in Australia
R Thackway, ID Cresswell
Natural Areas Journal 17 (3), 241-247, 1997
Transdisciplinary synthesis for ecosystem science, policy and management: The Australian experience
AJJ Lynch, R Thackway, A Specht, PJ Beggs, S Brisbane, EL Burns, ...
Science of the Total Environment 534, 173-184, 2015
The national dynamic land cover dataset
L Lymburner, P Tan, N Mueller, R Thackway, A Lewis, M Thankappan, ...
Geoscience Australia, Symonston, Australia 10, 2011
Describing and mapping human-induced vegetation change in the Australian landscape
R Thackway, R Lesslie
Environmental Management 42, 572-590, 2008
Explanatory notes for the Vegetation field handbook, version 2
RJ Hnatiuk, R Thackway, J Walker
Australian Government, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra, AU, 2009
A New Biogeographic Regionalisation for Tasmania. Report Prepared for the National Reserve System Program Component of the Natural Heritage Trust
D Peters, R Thackway
Commonwealth of Australia and Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart, Tasmania …, 1998
Public/private partnerships and protected areas: selected Australian case studies
R Thackway, K Olsson
Landscape and Urban Planning 44 (2-3), 87-97, 1999
Interim marine and coastal regionalisation for Australia: an ecosystem-based classification for marine and coastal environments
R Thackway, I Cresswell
Environment Australia, Department of the Environment, 1998
A field manual for surveying and mapping nationally significant weeds, 2nd Edition.
M McNaught, I., Thackway, R., Brown, L. and Parsons
Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra, 2008
Fire management and savanna landscapes in northern Australia
J Russell-Smith, G Allan, R Thackway, T Rosling, R Smith
Vegetation assets, states and transitions: accounting for vegetation condition in the Australian landscape
R Thackway, R Lesslie
Bureau of Rural Sciences, 2005
Comparing CNNs and random forests for Landsat image segmentation trained on a large proxy land cover dataset
T Boston, A Van Dijk, PR Larraondo, R Thackway
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3396, 2022
The second industrial transformation of Australian landscapes
BA Bryan, WS Meyer, CA Campbell, GP Harris, T Lefroy, G Lyle, P Martin, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (3-4), 278-287, 2013
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