Keith Davids
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Visual perception and action in sport
K Davids, AM Williams, JG Williams
Routledge, 2005
Dynamics of skill acquisition: A constraints-led approach.
K Davids, C Button, S Bennett
Human kinetics, 2008
The ecological dynamics of decision making in sport
D Araújo, K Davids, R Hristovski
Psychology of sport and exercise 7 (6), 653-676, 2006
Movement systems as dynamical systems: the functional role of variability and its implications for sports medicine
K Davids, P Glazier, D Araujo, R Bartlett
Sports medicine 33, 245-260, 2003
Visual search strategy, selective attention, and expertise in soccer
AM Williams, K Davids
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 69 (2), 111-128, 1998
Representative learning design and functionality of research and practice in sport
RA Pinder, K Davids, I Renshaw, D Araújo
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 33 (1), 146-155, 2011
New measures of job control, cognitive demand, and production responsibility.
PR Jackson, TD Wall, R Martin, K Davids
Journal of applied psychology 78 (5), 753, 1993
A constraints-led perspective to understanding skill acquisition and game play: a basis for integration of motor learning theory and physical education praxis?
I Renshaw, JY Chow, K Davids, J Hammond
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 15 (2), 117-137, 2010
How small-sided and conditioned games enhance acquisition of movement and decision-making skills
K Davids, D Araújo, V Correia, L Vilar
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 41 (3), 154-161, 2013
Visual search strategies in experienced and inexperienced soccer players
AM Williams, K Davids, L Burwitz, JG Williams
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 65 (2), 127-135, 1994
Expert performance in sport and the dynamics of talent development
E Phillips, K Davids, I Renshaw, M Portus
Sports medicine 40, 271-283, 2010
The role of nonlinear pedagogy in physical education
JY Chow, K Davids, C Button, R Shuttleworth, I Renshaw, D Araújo
Review of Educational Research 77 (3), 251-278, 2007
Declarative knowledge in sport: A by-product of experience or a characteristic of expertise?
M Williams, K Davids
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 17 (3), 259-275, 1995
Nonlinear pedagogy in skill acquisition: An introduction
JY Chow, K Davids, C Button, I Renshaw
Routledge, 2021
Examination of gaze behaviors under in situ and video simulation task constraints reveals differences in information pickup for perception and action
M Dicks, C Button, K Davids
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 706-720, 2010
Skill acquisition in sport: Some applications of an evolving practice ecology
C Handford, K Davids, S Bennett, C Button
Journal of sports sciences 15 (6), 621-640, 1997
Sports teams as superorganisms: implications of sociobiological models of behaviour for research and practice in team sports performance analysis
R Duarte, D Araújo, V Correia, K Davids
Sports medicine 42, 633-642, 2012
Ecological validity, representative design, and correspondence between experimental task constraints and behavioral setting: Comment on
D Araujo, K Davids, P Passos
Ecological psychology 19 (1), 69-78, 2007
Movement system variability
K Davids, S Bennett, KM Newell
Human kinetics, 2006
Key properties of expert movement systems in sport: an ecological dynamics perspective
L Seifert, C Button, K Davids
Sports medicine 43, 167-178, 2013
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