Elena Kupriyanova
Elena Kupriyanova
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Taxonomy of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta): the state of affairs
HA Ten Hove, EK Kupriyanova
Zootaxa 2036 (1), 1–126-1–126, 2009
Cosmopolitan polychaetes - fact or fiction? Personal and historical perspectives
P Hutchings, E Kupriyanova
Invertebrate Systematics 32 (1), 1-9, 2018
The biogeography of marine invertebrate life histories
D Marshall, PJ Krug, EK Kupriyanova, M Byrne, RB Emlet
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 43, 97–114, 2012
Life-history patterns in serpulimorph polychaetes: ecological and evolutionary perspectives
EK Kupriyanova, E Nishi, HA ten Hove, AV Rzhavsky
Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review 39, 1-101, 2001
Written in stone: history of serpulid polychaetes through time
AP Ippolitov, O Vinn, EK Kupriyanova, M Jäger
Memoirs of Museum Victoria 71, 123-159, 2014
Phylogenetic relationships within Serpulidae (Sabellida, Annelida) inferred from molecular and morphological data
EK Kupriyanova, TA Macdonald, GW Rouse
Zoologica Scripta 35 (5), 421-439, 2006
Yet another example of paraphyly in Annelida: molecular evidence that Sabellidae contains Serpulidae
EK Kupriyanova, GW Rouse
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46 (3), 1174-1181, 2008
Variation in sperm swimming behaviour and its effect on fertilization success in the serpulid polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa
E Kupriyanova, JN Havenhand
Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 41 (1-3), 21-26, 2002
Naming species with no morphological indicators: species status of Galeolaria caespitosa (Annelida: Serpulidae) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences and …
MN Halt, EK Kupriyanova, SJB Cooper, GW Rouse
Invertebrate Systematics 23 (3), 205-222, 2009
Effects of temperature on sperm swimming behaviour, respiration and fertilization success in the serpulid polychaete, Galeolaria caespitosa (Annelida: Serpulidae)
EK Kupriyanova, JN Havenhand
Invertebrate reproduction & development 48 (1-3), 7-17, 2005
A global invader or a complex of regionally distributed species? Clarifying the status of an invasive calcareous tubeworm Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta …
Y Sun, E Wong, E Keppel, JE Williamson, EK Kupriyanova
Marine Biology 164 (1), 1-12, 2017
Neotypification of Drawida hattamimizu Hatai, 1930 (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Megadrili, Moniligastridae) as a model linking mtDNA (COI) sequences to an earthworm type, with a …
R Blakemore, E Kupriyanova, M Grygier
ZooKeys 41, 1-29, 2010
Cryptic sympatric species across the Australian range of the global estuarine invader Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923)(Serpulidae, Annelida)
CA Styan, CF McCluskey, Y Sun, EK Kupriyanova
Aquatic Invasions 12 (1), 53-65, 2017
Habitat requirements, distribution and colonisation of the tubeworm Ficopomatus enigmaticus in the Lower Lakes and Coorong
S Dittmann, A Rolston, SN Benger, EK Kupriyanova
Report for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources …, 2009
Evolution of the unique freshwater cave‐dwelling tube worm Marifugia cavatica (Annelida: Serpulidae)
EK Kupriyanova, HA Ten Hove, B Sket, V Zakšek, P Trontelj, GW Rouse
Systematics and Biodiversity 7 (4), 389-401, 2009
Hydroides dianthus (Polychaeta: Serpulidae), an alien species introduced into Tokyo Bay, Japan
H Link, E Nishi, K Tanaka, R Bastida-Zavala, EK Kupriyanova, T Yamakita
Marine Biodiversity Records 2 (1), 2009
Life history evolution in Serpulimorph polychaetes: a phylogenetic analysis
EK Kupriyanova
Hydrobiologia 496 (1), 105-114, 2003
Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) of the Arctic Ocean
EK Kupriyanova, IA Jirkov
Sarsia 82 (3), 203-236, 1997
Is Hydroides brachyacantha (Serpulidae, Annelida) a widespread species?
Y Sun, E Wong, M Tovar-Hernández, J Williamson, E Kupriyanova
Invertebrate Systematics 30 (1), 41-59, 2016
COI barcoding of Hydroides: a road from impossible to difficult
Y Sun, EK Kupriyanova, JW Qiu
Invertebrate Systematics 26 (6), 539-547, 2012
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