Matthias Reumann
Matthias Reumann
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WGS analysis and interpretation in clinical and public health microbiology laboratories: what are the requirements and how do existing tools compare?
KL Wyres, TC Conway, S Garg, C Queiroz, M Reumann, K Holt, LI Rusu
Pathogens 3 (2), 437-458, 2014
Preventive ablation strategies in a biophysical model of atrial fibrillation based on realistic anatomical data
M Reumann, J Bohnert, G Seemann, B Osswald, O Dossel
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55 (2), 399-406, 2008
Use of big data for drug development and for public and personal health and care
L Leyens, M Reumann, N Malats, A Brand
Genetic epidemiology 41 (1), 51-60, 2017
Use of mutant-specific ion channel characteristics for risk stratification of long QT syndrome patients
C Jons, J O-Uchi, AJ Moss, M Reumann, JJ Rice, I Goldenberg, W Zareba, ...
Science translational medicine 3 (76), 76ra28-76ra28, 2011
Towards real-time simulation of cardiac electrophysiology in a human heart at high resolution
DF Richards, JN Glosli, EW Draeger, AA Mirin, B Chan, J Fattebert, ...
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 16 (7), 802-805, 2013
In silico cardiac risk assessment in patients with long QT syndrome: type 1: clinical predictability of cardiac models
R Hoefen, M Reumann, I Goldenberg, AJ Moss, J O-Uchi, Y Gu, S McNitt, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60 (21), 2182-2191, 2012
Enzymology of bacterial lysine biosynthesis
C Dogovski, SC Atkinson, SR Dommaraju, M Downton, L Hor, S Moore, ...
Biochemistry 1, 225-262, 2012
Personalized medicine: what’s in it for rare diseases?
S Schee genannt Halfmann, L Mählmann, L Leyens, M Reumann, ...
Rare diseases epidemiology: update and overview, 387-404, 2017
Computer model for the optimization of AV and VV delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy
M Reumann, D Farina, R Miri, S Lurz, B Osswald, O Dössel
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 45, 845-854, 2007
Potentials and challenges of the health data cooperative model
I Van Roessel, M Reumann, A Brand
Public health genomics 20 (6), 321-331, 2018
High performance computing enabling exhaustive analysis of higher order single nucleotide polymorphism interaction in Genome Wide Association Studies
B Goudey, M Abedini, JL Hopper, M Inouye, E Makalic, DF Schmidt, ...
Health information science and systems 3, 1-11, 2015
Clinical trial data as public goods: Fair trade and the virtual knowledge bank as a solution to the free rider problem-A framework for the promotion of innovation by …
N Evangelatos, M Reumann, H Lehrach, A Brand
Public Health Genomics 19 (4), 211-219, 2016
Multiple wavelets, rotors, and snakes in atrial fibrillation—a computer simulation study
M Reumann, J Bohnert, B Osswald, S Hagl, O Doessel
Journal of Electrocardiology 40 (4), 328-334, 2007
Big data for public health policy-making: policy empowerment
L Mählmann, M Reumann, N Evangelatos, A Brand
Public health genomics 20 (6), 312-320, 2018
Metabolomics in sepsis and its impact on public health
N Evangelatos, P Bauer, M Reumann, K Satyamoorthy, H Lehrach, ...
Public Health Genomics 20 (5), 274-285, 2018
Computational modeling of cardiac disease: potential for personalized medicine
M Reumann, V Gurev, JJ Rice
Personalized Medicine 6 (1), 45-66, 2009
Strong scaling and speedup to 16,384 processors in cardiac electro—Mechanical simulations
M Reumann, BG Fitch, A Rayshubskiy, DUJ Keller, G Seemann, O Dossel, ...
2009 annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Performance of hybrid programming models for multiscale cardiac simulations: Preparing for petascale computation
BJ Pope, BG Fitch, MC Pitman, JJ Rice, M Reumann
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (10), 2965-2969, 2011
Toward real-time modeling of human heart ventricles at cellular resolution: simulation of drug-induced arrhythmias
AA Mirin, DF Richards, JN Glosli, EW Draeger, B Chan, J Fattebert, ...
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesundheitswesen
C Auer, N Hollenstein, M Reumann
Gesundheit digital: Perspektiven zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen, 33-46, 2019
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