Suppression of near-and far-end crosstalk by linear pre-and post-filtering ML Honig, P Crespo, K Steiglitz IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10 (3), 614-629, 1992 | 168 | 1992 |
Spread-time code-division multiple access PM Crespo, ML Honig, JA Salehi IEEE Transactions on Communications 43 (6), 2139-2148, 1995 | 90 | 1995 |
Hidden Markov models for burst error characterization in indoor radio channels J Garcia-Frias, PM Crespo IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 46 (4), 1006-1020, 1997 | 86 | 1997 |
Block Toeplitz matrices: Asymptotic results and applications J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, PM Crespo Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory 8 (3), 179-257, 2012 | 85 | 2012 |
Wideband digital equalizers for subscriber loops PM Crespo, ML Honig US Patent 5,293,402, 1994 | 84 | 1994 |
Computer simulation of radio channels using a harmonic decomposition technique PM Crespo, J Jiménez IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 44 (3), 414-419, 1995 | 77 | 1995 |
Asymptotically equivalent sequences of matrices and Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices with continuous symbols: Applications to MIMO systems J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, PM Crespo IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (12), 5671-5680, 2008 | 75 | 2008 |
Wideband digital equalizers for subscriber loops PM Crespo, ML Honig US Patent 5,031,194, 1991 | 74 | 1991 |
Homomorphic encryption and network coding in iot architectures: Advantages and future challenges G Peralta, RG Cid-Fuentes, J Bilbao, PM Crespo Electronics 8 (8), 827, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
Pole-zero decision feedback equalization with a rapidly converging adaptive IIR algorithm PM Crespo, ML Honig IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9 (6), 817-829, 1991 | 67 | 1991 |
Spread-time code division multiple access technique with arbitrary spectral shaping PM Crespo, ML Honig, JA Salehi US Patent 5,177,768, 1993 | 48 | 1993 |
Channel error profiles for DECT P Crespo, RM Pelz, J Cosmas IEE Proceedings Communication, 1994 | 41 | 1994 |
Network coding in the link layer for reliable narrowband powerline communications J Bilbao, PM Crespo, I Armendariz, M Medard IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 34 (7), 1965-1977, 2016 | 38* | 2016 |
Time-varying quantum channel models for superconducting qubits J Etxezarreta Martinez, P Fuentes, P Crespo, J Garcia-Frias npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 115, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Degeneracy and its impact on the decoding of sparse quantum codes P Fuentes, JE Martinez, PM Crespo, J Garcia-Frías IEEE Access 9, 89093-89119, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Functions of banded Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices in signal processing J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, PM Crespo, A Böttcher Linear algebra and its applications 422 (2-3), 788-807, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
On the elementwise convergence of continuous functions of Hermitian banded Toeplitz matrices PM Crespo, J Gutierrez-Gutierrez IEEE transactions on information theory 53 (3), 1168-1176, 2007 | 34* | 2007 |
UWB portable printed monopole array design for MIMO communications D Valderas, P Crespo, C Ling Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 52 (4), 889-895, 2010 | 33 | 2010 |
Approximating decoherence processes for the design and simulation of quantum error correction codes on classical computers JE Martinez, P Fuentes, PM Crespo, J Garcia-Frias IEEE Access 8, 172623-172643, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Asymmetric joint source-channel coding for correlated sources with blind HMM estimation at the receiver JD Ser, PM Crespo, O Galdos EURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking 2005, 1-10, 2005 | 31* | 2005 |