Imene Felfoul
Imene Felfoul
Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Sfax
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Proteomic profiling of camel and cow milk proteins under heat treatment
I Felfoul, J Jardin, F Gaucheron, H Attia, MA Ayadi
Food Chemistry 216, 161-169, 2017
A physical stability study of whey-based prickly pear beverages
A Baccouche, M Ennouri, I Felfoul, H Attia
Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2), 234-244, 2013
Potential of the solid-state fermentation of tomato by products by Fusarium solani pisi for enzymatic extraction of lycopene
S Azabou, Y Abid, H Sebii, I Felfoul, A Gargouri, H Attia
LWT-Food Science and Technology 68, 280-287, 2016
Optimization of gluten‐free sponge cake fortified with whey protein concentrate using mixture design methodology
I Ammar, H Gharsallah, AB Brahim, H Attia, MA Ayadi, B Hadrich, I Felfoul
Food Chemistry 343, 128457, 2021
A laboratory investigation of cow and camel whey proteins deposition under different heat treatments
I Felfoul, C Lopez, F Gaucheron, H Attia, MA Ayadi
Food and Bioproducts Processing 96, 256-263, 2015
Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) addition on fermented bovine milk: rheological properties, sensory attributes and antioxidant potential.
I Felfoul, M Borchani, O Samet-Bali, H Attia, MA Ayadi
Fouling behavior of camel and cow milks under different heat treatments
I Felfoul, C Lopez, F Gaucheron, H Attia, MA Ayadi
Food and Bioprocess Technology 8, 1771-1778, 2015
Detection of Escherichia coli in unpasteurized raw milk
O Samet Bali, R Lajnef, I Felfoul, H Attia, M Ayadi
International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 2024
Investigation of physicochemical, nutritional, textural, and sensory properties of yoghurt fortified with fresh and dried spirulina (Arthrospira platensis).
B Bchir, I Felfoul, MA Bouaziz, T Gharred, H Yaich, E Noumi, M Snoussi, ...
International Food Research Journal 26 (5), 2019
Deposit generation during camel and cow milk heating: Microstructure and chemical composition
I Felfoul, E Beaucher, C Cauty, H Attia, F Gaucheron, MA Ayadi
Food and Bioprocess Technology 9, 1268-1275, 2016
Low-fat Gouda cheese made from bovine milk-olive oil emulsion: physicochemical and sensory attributes
I Felfoul, S Bornaz, A Baccouche, A Sahli, H Attia
Journal of Food Science and Technology 52, 6749-6755, 2015
Optimization of a novel, gluten-free bread's formulation based on chickpea, carob and rice flours using response surface design
I Ammar, H Sebii, T Aloui, H Attia, B Hadrich, I Felfoul
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
Impact of spray-drying conditions on physicochemical properties and rehydration ability of skim dromedary and cow's milk powders
I Felfoul, J Burgain, C Perroud, C Gaiani, J Scher, H Attia, J Petit
Drying Technology 40 (3), 665-677, 2022
Study of proteolytic and lipolytic activities of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from pasteurized milk in Tunisia
O Samet-Bali, I Felfoul, R Lajnaf, H Attia, MA Ayadi
Journal of Agricultural Science 5 (7), 46, 2013
Physicochemical, sensory and coagulation properties of dromedary and cows’ skim milk white brined cheeses
A Bouazizi, TB Touati, C Guesmi, H Attia, I Felfoul
International dairy journal 117, 105006, 2021
Shelf life determination of fresh cheese subjected to different modified atmospheres packaging
I Felfoul, H Attia, S Bornaz
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 19 (4), 847-860, 2017
Hygienic quality of" Rayeb", a traditional Tunisian fermented cow's milk
O Samet-Bali, I Felfoul, R Lajnaf, H Attia, MA Ayadi
International Food Research Journal 23 (1), 366, 2016
Characterization of nettle leaves (Urtica dioica) as a novel source of protease for clotting dromedary milk by non-destructive methods
A Bouazizi, I Felfoul, H Attia, R Karoui
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 211, 112312, 2022
Effect of Milk Fat Substitution of Rennet Milk Induced Coagulation on Physico‐Chemical Properties
I Felfoul, S Bornaz, W Belhadj Hmida, A Sahli, H Attia
Journal of Chemistry 2013 (1), 732024, 2013
Comparative study of white brined cheeses obtained from whole milk and milk-olive oil emulsion: Physicochemical and sensory properties
I Felfoul, A Sahli, O Samet-Bali, H Attia, S Bornaz
Mljekarstvo: časopis za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka 66 (4 …, 2016
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