Comparative genomics of freshwater Fe-oxidizing bacteria: implications for physiology, ecology, and systematics D Emerson, EK Field, O Chertkov, KW Davenport, L Goodwin, C Munk, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 254, 2013
222 2013 Nanoarchaeota, their Sulfolobales host, and Nanoarchaeota virus distribution across Yellowstone National Park hot springs JH Munson-McGee, EK Field, M Bateson, C Rooney, R Stepanauskas, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (22), 7860-7868, 2015
86 2015 Genomic and metabolic diversity of Marine Group I Thaumarchaeota in the mesopelagic of two subtropical gyres BK Swan, MD Chaffin, M Martinez-Garcia, HG Morrison, EK Field, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e95380, 2014
82 2014 Single cell genomics indicates horizontal gene transfer and viral infections in a deep subsurface Firmicutes population JM Labonté, EK Field, M Lau, D Chivian, E Van Heerden, KE Wommack, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 349, 2015
76 2015 Genomic insights into the uncultivated marine Zetaproteobacteria at Loihi Seamount EK Field, A Sczyrba, AE Lyman, CC Harris, T Woyke, R Stepanauskas, ...
The ISME journal 9 (4), 857-870, 2015
68 2015 Novel pelagic iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay oxic–anoxic transition zone BK Chiu, S Kato, SM McAllister, EK Field, CS Chan
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1280, 2017
66 2017 Hexavalent chromium reduction by Cellulomonas sp. strain ES6: the influence of carbon source, iron minerals, and electron shuttling compounds EK Field, R Gerlach, S Viamajala, LK Jennings, BM Peyton, WA Apel
Biodegradation 24, 437-450, 2013
64 2013 UO speciation determines uranium toxicity and bioaccumulation in an environmental Pseudomonas sp. isolate MR VanEngelen, EK Field, R Gerlach, BD Lee, WA Apel, BM Peyton
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29 (4), 763-769, 2010
57 2010 Planktonic marine iron oxidizers drive iron mineralization under low‐oxygen conditions EK Field, S Kato, AJ Findlay, DJ MacDonald, BK Chiu, GW Luther III, ...
Geobiology 14 (5), 499-508, 2016
48 2016 Genomic exploration of individual giant ocean viruses WH Wilson, IC Gilg, M Moniruzzaman, EK Field, S Koren, GR LeCleir, ...
The ISME Journal 11 (8), 1736-1745, 2017
46 2017 Application of molecular techniques to elucidate the influence of cellulosic waste on the bacterial community structure at a simulated low-level-radioactive-waste site EK Field, S D'Imperio, AR Miller, MR VanEngelen, R Gerlach, BD Lee, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (10), 3106-3115, 2010
45 2010 Hydrologic shifts create complex transient distributions of particulate organic carbon and biogeochemical responses in beach aquifers KH Kim, HA Michael, EK Field, WJ Ullman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (10), 3024-3038, 2019
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24 2020 Carbon-dependent chromate toxicity mechanism in an environmental Arthrobacter isolate EK Field, JP Blaskovich, BM Peyton, R Gerlach
Journal of Hazardous Materials 355, 162-169, 2018
24 2018 Influence of carbon sources and electron shuttles on ferric iron reduction by Cellulomonas sp. strain ES6 R Gerlach, EK Field, S Viamajala, BM Peyton, WA Apel, AB Cunningham
Biodegradation 22, 983-995, 2011
22 2011 Environmental evidence for and genomic insight into the preference of iron-oxidizing bacteria for more-corrosion-resistant stainless steel at higher salinities CE Garrison, KA Price, EK Field
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (14), e00483-19, 2019
20 2019 Single-cell genomics reveals metabolic strategies for microbial growth and survival in an oligotrophic aquifer MJ Wilkins, DW Kennedy, CJ Castelle, EK Field, R Stepanauskas, ...
Microbiology 160 (2), 362-372, 2014
16 2014 Introducing a “core steel microbiome” and community functional analysis associated with microbially influenced corrosion CE Garrison, EK Field
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 97 (1), fiaa237, 2021
11 2021 Iron flocs and the three domains: microbial interactions in freshwater Iron Mats CN Brooks, EK Field
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7 2020 Orange leads to black: evaluating the efficacy of co‐culturing iron‐oxidizing and sulfate‐reducing bacteria to discern ecological relationships CN Brooks, EK Field
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