Jen Hamel
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Zitiert von
Long-term persistence of amphibian populations in a restored wetland complex
JW Petranka, EM Harp, CT Holbrook, JA Hamel
Biological conservation 138 (3-4), 371-380, 2007
Vibrational playback experiments: challenges and solutions
RB Cocroft, J Hamel, Q Su, J Gibson
Studying vibrational communication, 249-274, 2014
Extending your research team: learning benefits when a laboratory partners with a classroom
CW Miller, J Hamel, KD Holmes, WL Helmey-Hartman, D Lopatto
BioScience 63 (9), 754-762, 2013
Negative feedback from maternal signals reduces false alarms by collectively signalling offspring
JA Hamel, RB Cocroft
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1743), 3820-3826, 2012
Vibrational communication in the “other insect societies”: A diversity of ecology, signals, and signal functions
RB Cocroft, JA Hamel
The use of vibrations in communication: properties, mechanisms and function …, 2010
Maternal vibrational signals reduce the risk of attracting eavesdropping predators
JA Hamel, RB Cocroft
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
From forest to fen: Microarthropod abundance and litter decomposition in a southern Appalachian floodplain/fen complex
BC Reynolds, J Hamel, J Isbanioly, L Klausman, KK Moorhead
Pedobiologia 51 (4), 273-280, 2007
Prolonged and variable copulation durations in a promiscuous insect species: no evidence of reproductive benefits for females
M Sears, F Barbosa, JA Hamel
Behavioural Processes, 2020
Male mate choice and female receptivity lead to reproductive interference
JA Hamel, SA Nease, CW Miller
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2015
Choosing Equipment for Animal Bioacoustic Research
S Madhusudhana, G Pavan, LA Miller, WL Gannon, A Hawkins, C Erbe, ...
Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound 1, 2022
Undergraduate research in the global context: Models and practices for high-quality mentoring
AL Allocco, M Vandermaas-Peeler, E Hall, C Ketcham, M Idris, JA Hamel, ...
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 30 (1), 106-123, 2022
Exploring the effects of extreme polyandry on estimates of sexual selection and reproductive success
EVG Greenway, JA Hamel, CW Miller
Behavioral Ecology, 2021
Reproductive Costs for Hybridizing Female Anasa tristis (Hemiptera: Coreidae), but No Evidence of Selection Against Interspecific Mating
JA Hamel, EE Eskeland, TK Lehmann, PL Stover
Journal of Insect Science 18 (4), 2018
A tangled web: comparing inter‐ and intraspecific mating dynamics in Anasa squash bugs
G Greenway, JA Hamel, CW Miller
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2021
Undergraduate Research Abroad: Shared Themes in Student Learning from Two Models of Course-Embedded Undergraduate Research in Field Biology Study Abroad Courses
JA Hamel, HM ter Hofstede, A Gauthier, D Lopatto, P Merton, ...
Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 5 (1), 1-13, 2021
A Tangled Web: Why do Some Individuals Mate with the Wrong Species?
G Greenway, JA Hamel, CW Miller
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2019
VibePy: An open-source tool for conducting high-fidelity vibrational playback experiments
AJ Evora, RB Cocroft, S Madhusudhana, JA Hamel
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 2024
Mentoring undergraduate research in global contexts (MUR‐GC): An integrated model.
L Cruz, M Vandermaas‐Peeler, EE Hall, AL Allocco, K Patch, J Hamel, ...
New Directions for Teaching & Learning 2023 (175), 2023
Communication about predation risk between parents and offspring groups in treehoppers
JA Hamel
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2011
Levels of Airborne Sound And Substrate-borne Vibration Calling Are Negatively Related Across Neotropical False-leaf Katydids
CE Kernan, T Robillard, SJ Martinson, J Dong, JA Hamel, LB Symes, ...
Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2024
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