Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Duron OlivierWeitere Informationen
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Nutritional symbiosis in ticks: singularities of the genus Ixodes
O Duron
Trends in parasitology, 2024
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Verfügbar: 42
Evolutionary changes in symbiont community structure in ticks
O Duron, F Binetruy, V Noël, J Cremaschi, KD McCoy, C Arnathau, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (11), 2905-2921, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Arthropods and inherited bacteria: from counting the symbionts to understanding how symbionts count
O Duron, GDD Hurst
Bmc Biology 11, 1-4, 2013
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Wolbachia increases susceptibility to Plasmodium infection in a natural system
F Zélé, A Nicot, A Berthomieu, M Weill, O Duron, A Rivero
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1779), 20132837, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Surface sterilization methods impact measures of internal microbial diversity in ticks
F Binetruy, M Dupraz, M Buysse, O Duron
Parasites & Vectors 12, 1-10, 2019
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The bacteriome of bat flies (Nycteribiidae) from the Malagasy region: a community shaped by host ecology, bacterial transmission mode, and host-vector specificity
DA Wilkinson, O Duron, C Cordonin, Y Gomard, B Ramasindrazana, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 82 (6), 1778-1788, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Convergence of nutritional symbioses in obligate blood feeders
O Duron, Y Gottlieb
Trends in parasitology 36 (10), 816-825, 2020
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Endosymbiont diversity and prevalence in herbivorous spider mite populations in South-Western Europe
F Zélé, I Santos, I Olivieri, M Weill, O Duron, S Magalhães
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (4), fiy015, 2018
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Dynamics of prevalence and diversity of avian malaria infections in wild Culex pipiens mosquitoes: the effects of Wolbachia, filarial nematodes and insecticide …
F Zélé, J Vézilier, G L’ambert, A Nicot, S Gandon, A Rivero, O Duron
Parasites & Vectors 7, 1-16, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Importance of microorganisms to macroorganisms invasions: is the essential invisible to the eye?(The Little Prince, A. de Saint-Exupéry, 1943)
L Amsellem, C Brouat, O Duron, SS Porter, A Vilcinskas, B Facon
Advances in ecological research 57, 99-146, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
A novel Borrelia species, intermediate between Lyme disease and relapsing fever groups, in neotropical passerine-associated ticks
F Binetruy, S Garnier, N Boulanger, E Talagrand-Reboul, E Loire, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10596, 2020
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A dual endosymbiosis supports nutritional adaptation to hematophagy in the invasive tick Hyalomma marginatum
M Buysse, AM Floriano, Y Gottlieb, T Nardi, F Comandatore, E Olivieri, ...
Elife 10, e72747, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Italy, Human Frontier …
Ecology, evolution, and epidemiology of zoonotic and vector-borne infectious diseases in French Guiana: Transdisciplinarity does matter to tackle new emerging threats
B de Thoisy, O Duron, L Epelboin, L Musset, P Quénel, B Roche, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 93, 104916, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Agence …
Tissue localization of Coxiella-like endosymbionts in three European tick species through fluorescence in situ hybridization
M Buysse, O Plantard, KD McCoy, O Duron, C Menard
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 10 (4), 798-804, 2019
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Sex ratios of the tick Ixodes arboricola are strongly female-biased, but there are no indications of sex-distorting bacteria
AR Van Oosten, O Duron, DJA Heylen
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 9 (2), 307-313, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense, Research Foundation (Flanders)
On the genetic architecture of cytoplasmic incompatibility: inference from phenotypic data
I Nor, J Engelstädter, O Duron, M Reuter, MF Sagot, S Charlat
The American Naturalist 182 (1), E15-E24, 2013
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung …
Evidence that microbes identified as tick-borne pathogens are nutritional endosymbionts
M Buysse, O Duron
Cell 184 (9), 2259-2260, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Novel chronic anaplasmosis in splenectomized patient, Amazon rainforest
O Duron, R Koual, L Musset, M Buysse, Y Lambert, B Jaulhac, D Blanchet, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 28 (8), 1673, 2022
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Changes in Bacterial Diversity, Composition and Interactions During the Development of the Seabird Tick Ornithodoros maritimus (Argasidae)
Y Gomard, O Flores, M Vittecoq, T Blanchon, C Toty, O Duron, P Mavingui, ...
Microbial ecology 81, 770-783, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Habitat fragmentation differentially shapes neutral and immune gene variation in a tropical bird species
A Perrin, A Khimoun, B Faivre, A Ollivier, N de Pracontal, F Théron, ...
Heredity 126 (1), 148-162, 2021
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Agence Nationale de la …
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