Camille C. Weinsheimer
Camille C. Weinsheimer
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Adult eyewitness memory for single versus repeated traumatic events
TPM Theunissen, T Meyer, A Memon, CC Weinsheimer
Applied cognitive psychology 31 (2), 164-174, 2017
The unusual suspects: Female versus male accused in child sexual abuse cases
CC Weinsheimer, DM Woiwod, PI Coburn, K Chong, DA Connolly
Child abuse & neglect 72, 446-455, 2017
Reducing the misinformation effect through initial testing: Take two tests and recall me in the morning?
MJ Huff, CC Weinsheimer, GE Bodner
Applied Cognitive Psychology 30 (1), 61-69, 2016
Perceptions of credibility for a memory report of a single versus repeated event
CC Weinsheimer, PI Coburn, K Chong, CL MacLean, DA Connolly
Applied Cognitive Psychology 31 (4), 414-423, 2017
Youth-perpetrated child sexual abuse: The effects of age at court on legal outcomes.
LM Vargen, CC Weinsheimer, PI Coburn, K Chong, DA Connolly
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 24 (2), 248, 2018
A history of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
WE Crozier, EK Moeck, CC Weinsheimer, DLL McDonald, MJ Baldassari
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 5 (2), 103-109, 2016
Proposed Changes to Sexual Assault Legislation (Bills C-51 and C-337): Cases in Brief
CC Weinsheimer
Making Knowledge Public, 2018
Injury and Mischief versus the Public Interest: Commentary on" Spreading False News"
C Weinsheimer
Making Knowledge Public, 2018
Applied Cognitive Psychology in press
TPM Theunissen, T Meyer, A Memon, CC Weinsheimer
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