Yuan Yuan
Yuan Yuan
Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
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Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift
H Zhou, Y Yuan, C Shi
Computer vision and image understanding 113 (3), 345-352, 2009
Learning from synthetic data for crowd counting in the wild
Q Wang, J Gao, W Lin, Y Yuan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Salient band selection for hyperspectral image classification via manifold ranking
Q Wang, J Lin, Y Yuan
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 27 (6), 1279-1289, 2016
Segmentation of retinal blood vessels using the radial projection and semi-supervised approach
X You, Q Peng, Y Yuan, Y Cheung, J Lei
Pattern recognition 44 (10-11), 2314-2324, 2011
Manifold regularized sparse NMF for hyperspectral unmixing
X Lu, H Wu, Y Yuan, P Yan, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (5), 2815-2826, 2012
Efficient HOG human detection
Y Pang, Y Yuan, X Li, J Pan
Signal Processing 91 (4), 773-781, 2011
Graph-regularized low-rank representation for destriping of hyperspectral images
X Lu, Y Wang, Y Yuan
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 51 (7), 4009-4018, 2013
Gabor-based region covariance matrices for face recognition
Y Pang, Y Yuan, X Li
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 18 (7), 989-993, 2008
L1-norm-based 2DPCA
X Li, Y Pang, Y Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 40 …, 2010
Hierarchical and robust convolutional neural network for very high-resolution remote sensing object detection
Y Zhang, Y Yuan, Y Feng, X Lu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (8), 5535-5548, 2019
Embedding structured contour and location prior in siamesed fully convolutional networks for road detection
Q Wang, J Gao, Y Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (1), 230-241, 2017
Remote sensing scene classification by unsupervised representation learning
X Lu, X Zheng, Y Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (9), 5148-5157, 2017
Hyperspectral image superresolution by transfer learning
Y Yuan, X Zheng, X Lu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
Multiscale facial structure representation for face recognition under varying illumination
T Zhang, B Fang, Y Yuan, YY Tang, Z Shang, D Li, F Lang
Pattern Recognition 42 (2), 251-258, 2009
An incremental framework for video-based traffic sign detection, tracking, and recognition
Y Yuan, Z Xiong, Q Wang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (7), 1918-1929, 2016
Scene recognition by manifold regularized deep learning architecture
Y Yuan, L Mou, X Lu
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (10), 2222-2233, 2015
SCAR: Spatial-/channel-wise attention regression networks for crowd counting
J Gao, Q Wang, Y Yuan
Neurocomputing 363, 1-8, 2019
Online anomaly detection in crowd scenes via structure analysis
Y Yuan, J Fang, Q Wang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (3), 548-561, 2014
Robust tensor analysis with L1-norm
Y Pang, X Li, Y Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 20 (2), 172-178, 2009
Learning deep event models for crowd anomaly detection
Y Feng, Y Yuan, X Lu
Neurocomputing 219, 548-556, 2017
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