Radek Hofman
Radek Hofman
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Tracking of atmospheric release of pollution using unmanned aerial vehicles
V Šmídl, R Hofman
Atmospheric Environment 67, 425-436, 2013
Bayesian inverse modeling and source location of an unintended 131I release in Europe in the fall of 2011
O Tichý, V Šmídl, R Hofman, K Šindelářová, M Hýža, A Stohl
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (20), 12677-12696, 2017
LS-APC v1. 0: a tuning-free method for the linear inverse problem and its application to source-term determination
O Tichý, V Šmídl, R Hofman, A Stohl
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (11), 4297-4311, 2016
Source term estimation of multi‐specie atmospheric release of radiation from gamma dose rates
O Tichý, V Šmídl, R Hofman, N Evangeliou
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144 (717), 2781-2797, 2018
Training simulator for analysis of environmental consequences of accidental radioactivity releases
P Pecha, R Hofman, E Pechová
6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007
Bayesian tracking of the toxic plume spreading in the early stage of radiation accident
P Pecha, R Hofman, V Šmídl
Proceeding of European Simul. and Modelling Conference ESM, 2009
Integration of data assimilation subsystem into environmental model of harmful substances propagation
P Pecha, R Hofman
Harmo11-11th Internal Conf. Cambridge, 2007
Marginalized particle filtering framework for tuning of ensemble filters
V Šmídl, R Hofman
Monthly Weather Review 139 (11), 3589-3599, 2011
Advanced method for source term estimation and status of its integration in JRODOS
I Kovalets, S Andronopoulos, R Hofman, P Seibert, I Ivan
Radioprotection 51, 121-123, 2016
ICT services supporting virtual organization management
J Hodík, W Mulder, L Pondrelli, I Westphal, R Hofman
Innovative Production Machines and Systems: Third I* PROMS Virtual …, 2007
LS-APC v1. 0: a tuning-free method for the linear inverse problem and its application to source-term determination, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 4297–4311
O Tichý, V Šmídl, R Hofman, A Stohl
Efficient sequential Monte Carlo sampling for continuous monitoring of a radiation situation
V Šmídl, R Hofman
Technometrics 56 (4), 514-528, 2014
Application of regional environmental code HARP in the field of off-site consequence assessment
R Hofman, P Pecha
PSA 2011 International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment …, 2011
Data assimilation of model predictions of long-time evolution of Cs-137 deposition on terrain
R Hofman, P Pecha
IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2008
Analytical source term optimization for radioactive releases with approximate knowledge of nuclide ratios
R Hofman, P Seibert, I Kovalets, S Andronopoulos
Poster of EGU Meeting, 2015
Classification of radioxenon spectra with deep learning algorithm
SA Azimi, H Afarideh, JS Chai, M Kalinowski, A Gheddou, R Hofman
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 237, 106718, 2021
Adaptive importance sampling in particle filtering
R Hofman
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, 9-16, 2013
Advanced source inversion module of the JRODOS system
I Kovalets, S Andronopoulos, R Hofman, P Seibert, I Ievdin, O Pylypenko
Pollutants from Energy Sources: Characterization and Control, 149-186, 2018
Application of advanced data assimilation methods in off-site consequence assessment
R Hofman
České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum., 2011
Assimilation techniques in consequence assessment of accidental radioactivity releases
P Pecha, R Hofman, P Kuca
2008, ECORAD, 2008
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Artikel 1–20