Lingling Li
Lingling Li
Associate Director of Biostatistics, Sanofi Genzyme
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Higher order influence functions and minimax estimation of nonlinear functionals
J Robins, L Li, E Tchetgen, A van der Vaart
Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of David A. Freedman, 335-421, 2008
Comparative risk for angioedema associated with the use of drugs that target the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
S Toh, ME Reichman, M Houstoun, MR Southworth, X Ding, ...
Archives of internal medicine 172 (20), 1582-1589, 2012
The Preventability of Ventilator-associated Events. The CDC Prevention Epicenters Wake Up and Breathe Collaborative
M Klompas, D Anderson, W Trick, H Babcock, MP Kerlin, L Li, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 191 (3), 292-301, 2015
Automated detection and classification of type 1 versus type 2 diabetes using electronic health record data
M Klompas, E Eggleston, J McVetta, R Lazarus, L Li, R Platt
Diabetes care 36 (4), 914-921, 2013
Effect of vitamin D and inhaled corticosteroid treatment on lung function in children
AC Wu, K Tantisira, L Li, AL Fuhlbrigge, ST Weiss, A Litonjua, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 186 (6), 508-513, 2012
Associations Between Ventilator Bundle Components and Outcomes
M Klompas, L Li, K Kleinman, PM Szumita, AF Massaro
JAMA Internal Medicine 176 (9), 1277-1283, 2016
Signal identification and evaluation for risk of febrile seizures in children following trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, 2010–2011
A Tse, HF Tseng, SK Greene, C Vellozzi, GM Lee, ...
Vaccine 30 (11), 2024-2031, 2012
Predictors of symptoms are different from predictors of severe exacerbations from asthma in children
AC Wu, K Tantisira, L Li, B Schuemann, ST Weiss, AL Fuhlbrigge, ...
Chest 140 (1), 100-107, 2011
Comparison of trends in sepsis incidence and coding using administrative claims versus objective clinical data
C Rhee, MV Murphy, L Li, R Platt, M Klompas
Clinical Infectious Diseases 60 (1), 88-95, 2014
Subglottic Secretion Drainage and Objective Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
DA Caroff, L Li, J Muscedere, M Klompas
Critical care medicine 44 (4), 830-840, 2016
H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccine safety in the vaccine safety datalink project
GM Lee, SK Greene, ES Weintraub, J Baggs, M Kulldorff, BH Fireman, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (2), 121-128, 2011
Primary Adherence to Controller Medications for Asthma Is Poor
AC Wu, MG Butler, L Li, V Fung, EO Kharbanda, EK Larkin, WM Vollmer, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 12 (2), 161-166, 2015
On weighting approaches for missing data
L Li, C Shen, X Li, JM Robins
Statistical methods in medical research 22 (1), 14-30, 2013
Rapid increase in breast magnetic resonance imaging use: trends from 2000 to 2011
NK Stout, L Nekhlyudov, L Li, ES Malin, D Ross-Degnan, DSM Buist, ...
JAMA internal medicine 174 (1), 114-121, 2014
Five-year patterns of adjuvant hormonal therapy use, persistence, and adherence among insured women with early-stage breast cancer
L Nekhlyudov, L Li, D Ross-Degnan, AK Wagner
Breast cancer research and treatment 130 (2), 681, 2011
Minimax estimation of a functional on a structured high dimensional model
J Robins, L Li, R Mukherjee, E Tchetgen, A van der Vaart
Annals of Statistics, forthcoming, 2017
Risk factors for ventilator-associated events: a case-control multivariable analysis
S Lewis, L Li, M Murphy, Michael V, Klompas
Critical Care Medicine 42 (8), 1839-48, 2014
A conditional maximized sequential probability ratio test for pharmacovigilance
L Li, M Kulldorff
Statistics in medicine 29 (2), 284-295, 2010
Risk of confirmed Guillain-Barré syndrome following receipt of monovalent inactivated influenza A (H1N1) and seasonal influenza vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project …
SK Greene, M Rett, ES Weintraub, L Li, R Yin, AA Amato, DT Ho, ...
American journal of epidemiology 175 (11), 1100-1109, 2012
Objective sepsis surveillance using electronic clinical data
C Rhee, S Kadri, SS Huang, MV Murphy, L Li, R Platt, M Klompas
infection control & hospital epidemiology 37 (2), 163-171, 2016
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