Nick Ichien
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Metaphor comprehension: An individual-differences approach
D Stamenković, N Ichien, KJ Holyoak
Journal of Memory and Language 105, 108-118, 2019
Probabilistic analogical mapping with semantic relation networks.
H Lu, N Ichien, KJ Holyoak
Psychological review 129 (5), 1078, 2022
Individual differences in comprehension of contextualized metaphors
D Stamenković, N Ichien, KJ Holyoak
Metaphor and Symbol 35 (4), 285-301, 2020
Verbal analogy problem sets: An inventory of testing materials
N Ichien, H Lu, KJ Holyoak
Behavior research methods 52, 1803-1816, 2020
Predicting patterns of similarity among abstract semantic relations.
N Ichien, H Lu, KJ Holyoak
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (1), 108, 2022
Two Computational Approaches to Visual Analogy: Task‐Specific Models Versus Domain‐General Mapping
N Ichien, Q Liu, S Fu, KJ Holyoak, AL Yuille, H Lu
Cognitive Science 47 (9), e13347, 2023
Seeing the Meaning: Vision Meets Semanticsin Solving Pictorial Analogy Problems
H Lu, Q Liu, N Ichien, AL Yuille, KJ Holyoak
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 41, 2019
An individual-differences approach to poetic metaphor: Impact of aptness and familiarity
D Stamenković, K Milenković, N Ichien, KJ Holyoak
Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2), 149-161, 2023
Large language model displays emergent ability to interpret novel literary metaphors
N Ichien, D Stamenković, KJ Holyoak
Metaphor and Symbol 39 (4), 296-309, 2024
Causal actions enhance perception of continuous body movements
Y Peng, N Ichien, H Lu
Cognition 194, 104060, 2020
Understanding the visual perception of awkward body movements: How interactions go awry
A Kadambi, N Ichien, S Qiu, H Lu
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 2544-2557, 2020
From semantic vectors to analogical mapping
KJ Holyoak, N Ichien, H Lu
Current Directions in Psychological Science 31 (4), 355-361, 2022
Analogy and the generation of ideas
KJ Holyoak, N Ichien, H Lu
Creativity Research Journal 36 (3), 532-543, 2024
Revisiting Hume in the Twenty-first Century: The Possibility of Generalizable Causal Beliefs Given Inherently Unobservable Causal Relations
N Ichien, PW Cheng
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Causation, 7, 2022
Relational and lexical similarity in analogical reasoning and recognition memory: Behavioral evidence and computational evaluation
N Ichien, KL Alfred, S Baia, DJM Kraemer, KJ Holyoak, SA Bunge, H Lu
Cognitive Psychology 141, 101550, 2023
Advancing with age: Older adults excel in comprehension of novel metaphors
N Ichien, D Stamenkovic, M Whatley, AD Castel, J Holyoak, Keith
Psychology and Aging, 2024
Predicting human judgments of relational similarity: A comparison of computational models based on vector representations of meaning
B Snefjella, N Ichien, K Holyoak, H Lu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (44), 2022
Generative inferences in relational and analogical reasoning: A comparison of computational models
N Ichien, A Kan, K Holyoak, H Lu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (44), 2022
Impact of semantic representations on analogical mapping with transitive relations
B Linford, N Ichien, K Holyoak, H Lu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (44), 2022
Cognitive complexity explains processing asymmetry in judgments of similarity versus difference
N Ichien, N Lin, KJ Holyoak, H Lu
Cognitive Psychology 151, 101661, 2024
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