Francis Casey
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Fate and transport of 17β-estradiol in soil− water systems
FXM Casey, GL Larsen, H Hakk, J Šimůnek
Environmental science & technology 37 (11), 2400-2409, 2003
Thermal remediation alters soil properties–a review
PL O'Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, E Khan, AF Wick
Journal of environmental management 206, 826-835, 2018
Persistence and fate of 17β-estradiol and testosterone in agricultural soils
Z Fan, FXM Casey, H Hakk, GL Larsen
Chemosphere 67 (5), 886-895, 2007
Fate and transport of testosterone in agricultural soils
FXM Casey, H Hakk, J Šimůnek, GL Larsen
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (3), 790-798, 2004
Sorption, mobility, and transformation of estrogenic hormones in natural soil
FXM Casey, J Šimůnek, J Lee, GL Larsen, H Hakk
Journal of environmental quality 34 (4), 1372-1379, 2005
Interactions of nitrogen, weather, soil, and irrigation on corn yield
NE Derby, DD Steele, J Terpstra, RE Knighton, FXM Casey
Agronomy journal 97 (5), 1342-1351, 2005
Fate and transformation of an estrogen conjugate and its metabolites in agricultural soils
SL Shrestha, FXM Casey, H Hakk, DJ Smith, G Padmanabhan
Environmental science & technology 46 (20), 11047-11053, 2012
Development of an ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry multi-residue sulfonamide method and its application to water, manure slurry, and soils …
WL Shelver, H Hakk, GL Larsen, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey
Journal of Chromatography A 1217 (8), 1273-1282, 2010
Evaluation of soil function following remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons—a review of current remediation techniques
PL O’Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, AF Wick, E Khan
Current Pollution Reports 3, 192-205, 2017
Improved design for an automated tension infiltrometer
FXM Casey, NE Derby
Soil Science society of America journal 66 (1), 64-67, 2002
Measurement of field soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters
FXM Casey, R Horton, SD Logsdon, DB Jaynes
Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (5), 1172-1178, 1998
Atrazine removal in agricultural infiltrate by bioaugmented polyvinyl alcohol immobilized and free Agrobacterium radiobacter J14a: a sand column study
S Siripattanakul, W Wirojanagud, JM McEvoy, FXM Casey, E Khan
Chemosphere 74 (2), 308-313, 2009
Immobile water content and mass exchange coefficient of a field soil
FXM Casey, R Horton, SD Logsdon, DB Jaynes
Soil Science Society of America Journal 61 (4), 1030-1036, 1997
Sorption, fate, and mobility of sulfonamides in soils
Z Fan, FXM Casey, H Hakk, GL Larsen, E Khan
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 218, 49-61, 2011
Comparison of nitrogen management zone delineation methods for corn grain yield
NE Derby, FXM Casey, DW Franzen
Agronomy Journal 99 (2), 405-414, 2007
Occurrence and pathways of manure-borne 17β-estradiol in vadose zone water
ML Thompson, FXM Casey, E Khan, H Hakk, GL Larsen, T DeSutter
Chemosphere 76 (4), 472-479, 2009
Midseason nitrogen fertility management for corn based on weather and yield prediction
NE Derby, FXM Casey, RE Knighton, DD Steele
Agronomy journal 96 (2), 494-501, 2004
Degradation and transformation of trichloroethylene in miscible-displacement experiments through zerovalent metals
FXM Casey, SK Ong, R Horton
Environmental science & technology 34 (23), 5023-5029, 2000
Implications of using thermal desorption to remediate contaminated agricultural soil: Physical characteristics and hydraulic processes
PL O'Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, NE Derby, AF Wick
Journal of environmental quality 45 (4), 1430-1436, 2016
Field capacity water as influenced by Na and EC: Implications for subsurface drainage
Y He, T DeSutter, F Casey, D Clay, D Franzen, D Steele
Geoderma 245, 83-88, 2015
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