Jodie Plumert
Jodie Plumert
Russell B. and Florence D. Day Chair in Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Iowa
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Distance perception in real and virtual environments
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer, K Recker
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 2 (3), 216-233, 2005
Relations between children's overestimation of their physical abilities and accident proneness.
JM Plumert
Developmental Psychology 31 (5), 866, 1995
Children's perception of gap affordances: Bicycling across traffic‐filled intersections in an immersive virtual environment
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer
Child development 75 (4), 1243-1253, 2004
Longitudinal and concurrent relations among temperament, ability estimation, and injury proneness
DC Schwebel, JM Plumert
Child development 70 (3), 700-712, 1999
Social and temperamental influences on children's overestimation of their physical abilities: Links to accidental injuries
JM Plumert, DC Schwebel
Journal of experimental child psychology 67 (3), 317-337, 1997
How does presentation method and measurement protocol affect distance estimation in real and virtual environments?
TY Grechkin, TD Nguyen, JM Plumert, JF Cremer, JK Kearney
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 7 (4), 1-18, 2010
Friendship and aggressiveness as determinants of conflict outcomes in middle childhood.
MF Sancilio, JM Plumert, WW Hartup
Developmental Psychology 25 (5), 812, 1989
Synchronizing self and object movement: how child and adult cyclists intercept moving gaps in a virtual environment.
BJ Chihak, JM Plumert, CJ Ziemer, S Babu, T Grechkin, JF Cremer, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 36 (6 …, 2010
Changes in children’s perception-action tuning over short time scales: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in a virtual environment
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer, KM Recker, J Strutt
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (2), 322-337, 2011
Estimating distance in real and virtual environments: Does order make a difference?
CJ Ziemer, JM Plumert, JF Cremer, JK Kearney
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (5), 1095-1106, 2009
Changes in perception–action tuning over long time scales: How children and adults perceive and act on dynamic affordances when crossing roads.
EE O'Neal, Y Jiang, LJ Franzen, P Rahimian, JP Yon, JK Kearney, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 44 (1), 18, 2018
Evidence for task-dependent categorization in infancy
LM Oakes, JM Plumert, JM Lansink, JD Merryman
Infant Behavior and Development 19 (4), 425-440, 1996
Perceiving and acting on complex affordances: how children and adults bicycle across two lanes of opposing traffic.
TY Grechkin, BJ Chihak, JF Cremer, JK Kearney, JM Plumert
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 39 (1), 23, 2013
Children's road crossing: A window into perceptual–motor development
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer
Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (5), 255-258, 2007
The emerging spatial mind
JM Plumert, JP Spencer
Oxford University Press, 2007
Parental scaffolding of young children's spatial communication.
JM Plumert, P Nichols-Whitehead
Developmental Psychology 32 (3), 523, 1996
Children's use of frames of reference in communication of spatial location
LG Craton, J Elicker, JM Plumert, HL Pick Jr
Child development 61 (5), 1528-1543, 1990
Delay‐induced bias in children's memory for location
AM Hund, JM Plumert
Child Development 73 (3), 829-840, 2002
The early development of children's communication about nested spatial relations
JM Plumert, K Ewert, SJ Spear
Child Development 66 (4), 959-969, 1995
Harnessing vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communication technology: Sending traffic warnings to texting pedestrians
P Rahimian, EE O’Neal, S Zhou, JM Plumert, JK Kearney
Human factors 60 (6), 833-843, 2018
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