Kerry J Dinsmore
Kerry J Dinsmore
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Role of the aquatic pathway in the carbon and greenhouse gas budgets of a peatland catchment
KJ Dinsmore, MF Billett, UM Skiba, RM Rees, J Drewer, C Helfter
Global Change Biology 16 (10), 2750-2762, 2010
Carbon balance of UK peatlands: current state of knowledge and future research challenges
MF Billett, DJ Charman, JM Clark, CD Evans, MG Evans, NJ Ostle, ...
Climate Research 45, 13-29, 2010
Direct and continuous measurement of dissolved carbon dioxide in freshwater aquatic systems—method and applications
MS Johnson, MF Billett, KJ Dinsmore, M Wallin, KE Dyson, RS Jassal
Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2010
Effect of water table on greenhouse gas emissions from peatland mesocosms
KJ Dinsmore, UM Skiba, MF Billett, RM Rees
Plant and Soil 318, 229-242, 2009
Temperature and precipitation drive temporal variability in aquatic carbon and GHG concentrations and fluxes in a peatland catchment
KJ Dinsmore, MF Billett, KE Dyson
Global change biology 19 (7), 2133-2148, 2013
Methane emissions from soils: synthesis and analysis of a large UK data set
PE Levy, A Burden, MDA Cooper, KJ Dinsmore, J Drewer, C Evans, ...
Global Change Biology 18 (5), 1657-1669, 2012
Quantification of uncertainty in trace gas fluxes measured by the static chamber method
PE Levy, A Gray, SR Leeson, J Gaiawyn, MPC Kelly, MDA Cooper, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 62 (6), 811-821, 2011
Spatial and temporal variability in CH4 and N2O fluxes from a Scottish ombrotrophic peatland: Implications for modelling and up-scaling
KJ Dinsmore, UM Skiba, MF Billett, RM Rees, J Drewer
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (6), 1315-1323, 2009
Global carbon dioxide efflux from rivers enhanced by high nocturnal emissions
L Gómez-Gener, G Rocher-Ros, T Battin, MJ Cohen, HJ Dalmagro, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (5), 289-294, 2021
Drivers of long-term variability in CO2 net ecosystem exchange in a temperate peatland
C Helfter, C Campbell, KJ Dinsmore, J Drewer, M Coyle, M Anderson, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (6), 1799-1811, 2015
Comparison of greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen budgets from an ombotrophic bog in Scotland and a minerotrophic sedge fen in Finland
J Drewer, A Lohila, M Aurela, T Laurila, K Minkkinen, T Penttilä, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 61 (5), 640-650, 2010
Carbon dioxide transport across the hillslope–riparian–stream continuum in a boreal headwater catchment
FI Leith, KJ Dinsmore, MB Wallin, MF Billett, KV Heal, H Laudon, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (6), 1881-1892, 2015
Determining phosphorus and sediment release rates from five Irish tillage soils
JT Regan, M Rodgers, MG Healy, L Kirwan, O Fenton
Journal of Environmental Quality 39 (1), 185-192, 2010
Measurement of the 13C isotopic signature of methane emissions from northern European wetlands
RE Fisher, JL France, D Lowry, M Lanoisellé, R Brownlow, JA Pyle, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (3), 605-623, 2017
Continuous measurement and modeling of CO2 losses from a peatland stream during stormflow events
KJ Dinsmore, MF Billett
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
Release of aquatic carbon from two peatland catchments in E. Finland during the spring snowmelt period
KE Dyson, MF Billett, KJ Dinsmore, F Harvey, AM Thomson, S Piirainen, ...
Biogeochemistry 103, 125-142, 2011
Contrasting CO2 concentration discharge dynamics in headwater streams: A multi‐catchment comparison
KJ Dinsmore, MB Wallin, MS Johnson, MF Billett, K Bishop, J Pumpanen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (2), 445-461, 2013
Comparison of soil greenhouse gas fluxes from extensive and intensive grazing in a temperate maritime climate
U Skiba, SK Jones, J Drewer, C Helfter, M Anderson, K Dinsmore, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 1231-1241, 2013
Transfer of carbon dioxide and methane through the soil‐water‐atmosphere system at Mer Bleue peatland, Canada
KJ Dinsmore, MF Billett, TR Moore
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (2), 330-341, 2009
Methane indicator values for peatlands: a comparison of species and functional groups
A Gray, PE Levy, MDA Cooper, T Jones, J Gaiawyn, SR Leeson, SE Ward, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (4), 1141-1150, 2013
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