Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Peter Jan van LeeuwenWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 52
Particle filters for high‐dimensional geoscience applications: A review
PJ Van Leeuwen, HR Künsch, L Nerger, R Potthast, S Reich
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (723), 2335-2365, 2019
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, UK Natural Environment Research Council …
Nonlinear Data Assimilation for high-dimensional systems: -with geophysical applications
PJ Van Leeuwen, Y Cheng, S Reich, PJ van Leeuwen
Nonlinear data assimilation, 1-73, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
State-of-the-art stochastic data assimilation methods for high-dimensional non-Gaussian problems
S Vetra-Carvalho, PJ Van Leeuwen, L Nerger, A Barth, MU Altaf, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 70 (1), 1-43, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
The equivalent‐weights particle filter in a high‐dimensional system
M Ades, PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (687), 484-503, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
SEASTAR: a mission to study ocean submesoscale dynamics and small-scale atmosphere-ocean processes in coastal, shelf and polar seas
C Gommenginger, B Chapron, A Hogg, C Buckingham, B Fox-Kemper, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 457, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Implicit equal‐weights particle filter
M Zhu, PJ Van Leeuwen, J Amezcua
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (698), 1904-1919, 2016
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Natural Environment …
Representation errors and retrievals in linear and nonlinear data assimilation
PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (690), 1612-1623, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
A variational approach to retrieve rain rate by combining information from rain gauges, radars, and microwave links
B Bianchi, P Jan van Leeuwen, RJ Hogan, A Berne
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (6), 1897-1909, 2013
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Sequential Monte Carlo with kernel embedded mappings: The mapping particle filter
M Pulido, PJ van Leeuwen
Journal of Computational Physics 396, 400-415, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Gaussian anamorphosis in the analysis step of the EnKF: a joint state-variable/observation approach
J Amezcua, PJ Van Leeuwen
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 23493, 2014
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
A consistent interpretation of the stochastic version of the Ensemble Kalman Filter
PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (731), 2815-2825, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Cloud banding and winds in intense European cyclones: Results from the DIAMET project
G Vaughan, J Methven, D Anderson, B Antonescu, L Baker, TP Baker, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (2), 249-265, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Observation impact in data assimilation: the effect of non-Gaussian observation error
A Fowler, P Jan Van Leeuwen
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 65 (1), 20035, 2013
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Data assimilation in the solar wind: Challenges and first results
M Lang, P Browne, PJ Van Leeuwen, M Owens
Space Weather 15 (11), 1490-1510, 2017
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
Efficient fully nonlinear data assimilation for geophysical fluid dynamics
PJ Van Leeuwen, M Ades
Computers & Geosciences 55, 16-27, 2013
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Comparing hybrid data assimilation methods on the Lorenz 1963 model with increasing non-linearity
M Goodliff, J Amezcua, PJ Van Leeuwen
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 67 (1), 26928, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Assimilation of probabilistic flood maps from SAR data into a coupled hydrologic–hydraulic forecasting model: a proof of concept
C Di Mauro​​​​​​​, R Hostache, P Matgen, R Pelich, M Chini, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (7), 4081-4097, 2021
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, UK Engineering and …
A particle flow filter for high‐dimensional system applications
CC Hu, PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147 (737), 2352-2374, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Twin experiments with the equivalent weights particle filter and HadCM3
PA Browne, PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (693), 3399-3414, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Model error estimation using the expectation maximization algorithm and a particle flow filter
MM Lucini, PJ Van Leeuwen, M Pulido
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 9 (2), 681-707, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
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