Katalin Petz
Katalin Petz
Environmental Sciences
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A blueprint for mapping and modelling ecosystem services
ND Crossman, B Burkhard, S Nedkov, L Willemen, K Petz, I Palomo, ...
Ecosystem services 4, 4-14, 2013
Framework for systematic indicator selection to assess effects of land management on ecosystem services
APE Van Oudenhoven, K Petz, R Alkemade, L Hein, RS de Groot
Ecological indicators 21, 110-122, 2012
Mapping and modelling ecosystem services for science, policy and practice
B Burkhard, N Crossman, S Nedkov, K Petz, R Alkemade
Ecosystem Services 4, 1-3, 2013
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework
JW Bull, N Jobstvogt, A Böhnke-Henrichs, A Mascarenhas, N Sitas, ...
Ecosystem services 17, 99-111, 2016
Mapping and modelling trade-offs and synergies between grazing intensity and ecosystem services in rangelands using global-scale datasets and models
K Petz, R Alkemade, M Bakkenes, CJE Schulp, M van der Velde, ...
Global environmental change 29, 223-234, 2014
Mapping ecosystem functions and services in Eastern Europe using global-scale data sets
CJE Schulp, R Alkemade, K Klein Goldewijk, K Petz
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2012
Quantifying ecosystem services and indicators for science, policy and practice
R Alkemade, B Burkhard, ND Crossman, S Nedkov, K Petz
Ecological Indicators 37, 161-162, 2014
Modelling land management effect on ecosystem functions and services: a study in the Netherlands
K Petz, APE van Oudenhoven
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2012
Land management implications for ecosystem services in a South African rangeland
K Petz, J Glenday, R Alkemade
Ecological indicators 45, 692-703, 2014
Managing the current and future supply of ecosystem services in the Hungarian and Romanian Tisza River Basin
K Petz, EL Minca, SE Werners, R Leemans
Regional Environmental Change, 1-12, 2012
Mapping and Modelling the Effects of Land Use and Land Management Change on Ecosystem Services from Local Ecosystems and Landscapes to Global Biomes
K Petz
PQDT-Global, 2014
An ecosystem services approach in the Tisza River Basin
EL Minca, K Petz, S Werners
Tiscia 36, 35-40, 2007
European nature in the plural: finding common ground for a next policy agenda
H van Zeijts, AG Prins, E Dammers, M Vonk, I Bouwma, H Farjon, ...
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2017
Indicators and modelling of land use, land management and ecosystem services
K Petz
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2016
Perspective on the future of nature in Europe: impacts and combinations
AG Prins, R Pouwels, J Clement, M Hendriks, B de Knegt, K Petz, ...
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2017
Indicators and modelling of land use, land management and ecosystem services: methodological documentation
K Petz, CJE Schulp, EH van der Zanden, C Veerkamp, MJ Schelhaas, ...
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL), 2016
Ecosystem services and their mapping in the Tisza/Tisa River basin-initial steps in Hungary and Romania
E Minca, K Petz
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, 87, 2008
5.7. 3. Global ecosystem service mapping approaches
K Petz, CJ Veerkamp, R Alkemade
Mapping Ecosystem Services, 246, 2017
Mapping and modelling ecosystem services.
B Burkhad, ND Crossman, S Nedkov, K Petz, R Alkemade
Ecosystem services and their mapping in the Tisza River Basin-Initial steps in Hungary and Romania. Transylvanian Review of Systemathical and Ecological Research
EL Minca, K Petz, SE Werners
The wetland diversity 2008 (6), 89-99, 2008
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