Artificial intelligence and COVID-19: deep learning approaches for diagnosis and treatment M Jamshidi, A Lalbakhsh, J Talla, Z Peroutka, F Hadjilooei, P Lalbakhsh, ...
Ieee Access 8, 109581-109595, 2020
610 2020 First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section at TeV by TOTEM and overview of cross-section data at LHC energies: TOTEM Collaboration G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, CB Barrera, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79, 1-10, 2019
295 2019 Evidence for non-exponential elastic proton–proton differential cross-section at low| t| and s= 8TeV by TOTEM G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, V Berardi, M Berretti, ...
Nuclear Physics B 899, 527-546, 2015
240 2015 First determination of the parameter at TeV: probing the existence of a colourless C-odd three-gluon compound state: TOTEM Collaboration G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, CB Barrera, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (9), 785, 2019
206 * 2019 New configuration of traction converter with medium-frequency transformer using matrix converters P Drabek, Z Peroutka, M Pittermann, M Cedl
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (11), 5041-5048, 2011
186 2011 Measurement of elastic pp scattering at TeV in the Coulomb–nuclear interference region: determination of the -parameter and the total cross-section G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, V Berardi, M Berretti, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-21, 2016
176 2016 Advantages of square-root extended Kalman filter for sensorless control of AC drives V Smidl, Z Peroutka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (11), 4189-4196, 2011
144 2011 Elastic differential cross-section measurement at TeV by TOTEM G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, CB Barrera, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (10), 1-15, 2019
131 * 2019 Adaptive speed control of induction motor drive with inaccurate model J Talla, VQ Leu, V Šmídl, Z Peroutka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (11), 8532-8542, 2018
94 2018 Size reduction and performance improvement of a microstrip Wilkinson power divider using a hybrid design technique MB Jamshidi, S Roshani, J Talla, S Roshani, Z Peroutka
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 7773, 2021
86 2021 Observation of proton-tagged, central (semi) exclusive production of high-mass lepton pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of high energy physics 2018 (7), 1-45, 2018
76 2018 Odderon Exchange from Elastic Scattering Differences between and Data at 1.96 TeV and from Forward Scattering Measurements VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, JP Agnew, ...
Physical review letters 127 (6), 062003, 2021
74 2021 Position-based TS fuzzy power management for tram with energy storage system J Talla, L Streit, Z Peroutka, P Drabek
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (5), 3061-3071, 2015
68 2015 Deep learning techniques and COVID-19 drug discovery: Fundamentals, state-of-the-art and future directions MB Jamshidi, A Lalbakhsh, J Talla, Z Peroutka, S Roshani, V Matousek, ...
Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic, 9-31, 2021
59 2021 Control of a single-phase cascaded H-bridge active rectifier under unbalanced load V Blahnik, T Kosan, Z Peroutka, J Talla
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (6), 5519-5527, 2017
58 2017 Development of sensorless PMSM drives: Application of extended Kalman filter Z Peroutka
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics …, 2005
49 2005 Direct speed control of a PMSM drive using SDRE and convex constrained optimization V Šmídl, Š Janouš, L Adam, Z Peroutka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (1), 532-542, 2017
44 2017 LHC optics measurement with proton tracks detected by the Roman pots of the TOTEM experiment G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati, J Baechler, V Berardi, M Berretti, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 103041, 2014
44 2014 Challenges and limits of extended Kalman Filter based sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machine drives Z Peroutka, V Smidl, D Vosmik
2009 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-11, 2009
43 2009 Improved stability of DC catenary fed traction drives using two-stage predictive control V Šmídl, Š Janouš, Z Peroutka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (5), 3192-3201, 2015
42 2015