Ricarda Engberg
Ricarda Engberg
Associate Professor, Aarhus University
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Influence of whole wheat and xylanase on broiler performance and microbial composition and activity in the digestive tract
RM Engberg, MS Hedemann, S Steenfeldt, BB Jensen
Poultry science 83 (6), 925-938, 2004
The influence of grinding and pelleting of feed on the microbial composition and activity in the digestive tract of broiler chickens
RM Engberg, MS Hedemann, BB Jensen
British poultry science 43 (4), 569-579, 2002
Effect of zinc bacitracin and salinomycin on intestinal microflora and performance of broilers
RM Engberg, MS Hedemann, TD Leser, BB Jensen
Poultry science 79 (9), 1311-1319, 2000
Effects of dietary fat source and subtherapeutic levels of antibiotic on the bacterial community in the ileum of broiler chickens at various ages
A Knarreborg, MA Simon, RM Engberg, BB Jensen, GW Tannock
Applied and environmental microbiology 68 (12), 5918-5924, 2002
Methylotrophic methanogenic Thermoplasmata implicated in reduced methane emissions from bovine rumen
M Poulsen, C Schwab, B Borg Jensen, RM Engberg, A Spang, N Canibe, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1428, 2013
Microbial community composition of the ileum and cecum of broiler chickens as revealed by molecular and culture-based techniques
L Bjerrum, RM Engberg, TD Leser, BB Jensen, K Finster, K Pedersen
Poultry science 85 (7), 1151-1164, 2006
Insects-a natural nutrient source for poultry-a review
D Józefiak, A Josefiak, B Kieronczyk, M Rawski, S Swiatkiewicz, ...
Annals of Animal Science 16 (2), 297-313, 2016
Inclusion of oxidized vegetable oil in broiler diets. Its influence on nutrient balance and on the antioxidative status of broilers
RM Engberg, C Lauridsen, SK Jensen, K Jakobsen
Poultry science 75 (8), 1003-1011, 1996
The influence of whole wheat feeding on Salmonella infection and gut flora composition in broilers
L Bjerrum, K Pedersen, RM Engberg
Avian diseases 49 (1), 9-15, 2005
Insect proteins as a potential source of antimicrobial peptides in livestock production. A review
A Jozefiak, RM Engberg
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 26 (2), 87-99, 2017
Influence of the oxidative quality of dietary oil on broiler meat storage stability
C Jensen, R Engberg, K Jakobsen, LH Skibsted, G Bertelsen
Meat Science 47 (3-4), 211-222, 1997
Bacterial succession in the broiler gastrointestinal tract
S Ranjitkar, B Lawley, G Tannock, RM Engberg
Applied and environmental microbiology 82 (8), 2399-2410, 2016
Effect of feeding silages or carrots as supplements to laying hens on production performance, nutrient digestibility, gut structure, gut microflora and feather pecking behaviour
S Steenfeldt, JB Kjaer, RM Engberg
British poultry science 48 (4), 454-468, 2007
Quantitative determination of bile salt hydrolase activity in bacteria isolated from the small intestine of chickens
A Knarreborg, RM Engberg, SK Jensen, BB Jensen
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (12), 6425-6428, 2002
Effects of dietary inclusion of triticale, rye and wheat and xylanase supplementation on growth performance of broiler chickens and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract
D Józefiak, A Rutkowski, BB Jensen, RM Engberg
Animal Feed Science and Technology 132 (1-2), 79-93, 2007
Effect of silver nanoparticles on growth performance, metabolism and microbial profile of broiler chickens
L Pineda, A Chwalibog, E Sawosz, C Lauridsen, R Engberg, J Elnif, ...
Archives of animal nutrition 66 (5), 416-429, 2012
The effect of 𝛃-glucanase supplementation of barley-and oat-based diets on growth performance and fermentation in broiler chicken gastrointestinal tract
D Józefiak, A Rutkowski, BB Jensen, RM Engberg
British Poultry Science 47 (1), 57-64, 2006
Rye bread enhances the production and plasma concentration of butyrate but not the plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin in pigs
KEB Knudsen, A Serena, AKB Kjær, H Jørgensen, R Engberg
The Journal of nutrition 135 (7), 1696-1704, 2005
Dietary antibiotic growth promoters enhance the bioavailability of α-tocopheryl acetate in broilers by altering lipid absorption
A Knarreborg, C Lauridsen, RM Engberg, SK Jensen
The Journal of nutrition 134 (6), 1487-1492, 2004
Effect of β -glucanase and xylanase supplementation of barley- and rye-based diets on caecal microbiota of broiler chickens
D Jozefiak, A Rutkowski, S Kaczmarek, BB Jensen, RM Engberg, ...
British Poultry Science 51 (4), 546-557, 2010
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